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�}:ah=�@s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlZddlm	Z	m
mZmZej
e�ZGdd�d�ZGdd�dej�ZGd	d
ejejed�Zeed�d
d�Zd dd�Zdd�Zd!dd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�ZGdd�de�Z dS)"z�JSON (de)serialization framework.

The framework presented here is somewhat based on `Go's "json" package`_
(especially the ``omitempty`` functionality).

.. _`Go's "json" package`: http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/

interfaces�utilc@sreZdZdZdZdd	d
�Zedd��Zd
d�Zdd�Z	dd�Z
dd�Zdd�Zdd�Z
edd��Zedd��ZdS)�Fielda�JSON object field.

    :class:`Field` is meant to be used together with

    ``encoder`` (``decoder``) is a callable that accepts a single
    parameter, i.e. a value to be encoded (decoded), and returns the
    serialized (deserialized) value. In case of errors it should raise

    Note, that ``decoder`` should perform partial serialization only.

    :ivar str json_name: Name of the field when encoded to JSON.
    :ivar default: Default value (used when not present in JSON object).
    :ivar bool omitempty: If ``True`` and the field value is empty, then
        it will not be included in the serialized JSON object, and
        ``default`` will be used for deserialization. Otherwise, if ``False``,
        field is considered as required, value will always be included in the
        serialized JSON objected, and it must also be present when

    �	json_name�default�	omitempty�fdec�fencNFcCs>||_||_||_|dkr |jn||_|dkr4|jn||_dS)N)r	r
r�default_decoderr�default_encoderr
)�selfr	r
zField.__init__cCst|t�o|S)z�Is the provided value considered "empty" for this field?

        This is useful for subclasses that might want to override the
        definition of being empty, e.g. for some more exotic data types.

isinstance�bool)�cls�valuerrr�_empty9szField._emptycCs|j|�o|jS)zOmit the value in output?)rr)rrrrr�omitCsz
Field.omitcKs,|j|j|j|j|jd�|�}t|�f|�S)N)r	r
rrr)r	r
rrr
zField._update_paramscCs|j|d�S)z6Descriptor to change the decoder on JSON object field.)r)r)rrrrrrPsz
Field.decodercCs|j|d�S)z6Descriptor to change the encoder on JSON object field.)r)r)rr
|j|�S)z4Decode a value, optionally with context JSON object.)r)rrrrr�decodeXszField.decodecCs
|j|�S)z4Encode a value, optionally with context JSON object.)r
)rrrrr�encode\szField.encodecsNt|t�r t�fdd�|D��St|t�rFtj�fdd�|j�D��S|SdS)z�Default decoder.

        Recursively deserialize into immutable types (
        :class:`josepy.util.frozendict` instead of
        :func:`dict`, :func:`tuple` instead of :func:`list`).

        c3s|]}�j|�VqdS)N)r)�.0Zsubvalue)rrr�	<genexpr>ksz(Field.default_decoder.<locals>.<genexpr>cs"i|]\}}�j|��j|��qSr)r)r!�keyr)rrr�

zField.default_decodercCs|S)zDefault (passthrough) encoder.r)rrrrrrsszField.default_encoder)r	r
rrr
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�	__slots__r�classmethodrrrrrrr rrrrrrrs
	rc@s*eZdZUdZiZeeefdd�ZdS)�JSONObjectWithFieldsMetaa�Metaclass for :class:`JSONObjectWithFields` and its subclasses.

    It makes sure that, for any class ``cls`` with ``__metaclass__``
    set to ``JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta``:

    1. All fields (attributes of type :class:`Field`) in the class
       definition are moved to the ``cls._fields`` dictionary, where
       keys are field attribute names and values are fields themselves.

    2. ``cls.__slots__`` is extended by all field attribute names
       (i.e. not :attr:`Field.json_name`). Original ``cls.__slots__``
       are stored in ``cls._orig_slots``.

    In a consequence, for a field attribute name ``some_field``,
    ``cls.some_field`` will be a slot descriptor and not an instance
    of :class:`Field`. For example::

      some_field = Field('someField', default=())

      class Foo:
          __metaclass__ = JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta
          __slots__ = ('baz',)
          some_field = some_field

      assert Foo.__slots__ == ('some_field', 'baz')
      assert Foo._orig_slots == ()
      assert Foo.some_field is not Field

      assert Foo._fields.keys() == ['some_field']
      assert Foo._fields['some_field'] is some_field

    As an implementation note, this metaclass inherits from
    :class:`abc.ABCMeta` (and not the usual :class:`type`) to mitigate
    the metaclass conflict (:class:`ImmutableMap` and
    :class:`JSONDeSerializable`, parents of :class:`JSONObjectWithFields`,
    use :class:`abc.ABCMeta` as its metaclass).

Wx0t|j��D] \}}t|t�r2|j|�||<q2W|jdf�|d<tt|d�t|j	���|d<||d<t
jj||||�S)N�_fieldsr-Z_orig_slots)

z JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta.__new__N)	r)r*r+r,r0r�strrr8rrrrr/{s
&r/csneZdZdZeed�dd��Z�fdd�Zdd�Zd	d
�Z	dd�Z
d��Zedd��Zedd��Z
�ZS)�JSONObjectWithFieldsa�JSON object with fields.


      class Foo(JSONObjectWithFields):
          bar = Field('Bar')
          empty = Field('Empty', omitempty=True)

          def bar(value):
              return value + 'bar'

          def bar(value):
              if not value.endswith('bar'):
                  raise errors.DeserializationError('No bar suffix!')
              return value[:-3]

      assert Foo(bar='baz').to_partial_json() == {'Bar': 'bazbar'}
      assert Foo.from_json({'Bar': 'bazbar'}) == Foo(bar='baz')
      assert (Foo.from_json({'Bar': 'bazbar', 'Empty': '!'})
              == Foo(bar='baz', empty='!'))
      assert Foo(bar='baz').bar == 'baz'

    )�returncCsdd�|jj�D�S)zGet default fields values.cSsi|]\}}|j|�qSr)r
)r!�slot�fieldrrrr$�sz2JSONObjectWithFields._defaults.<locals>.<dictcomp>)r0r()rrrr�	_defaults�szJSONObjectWithFields._defaultscst�jf|j�|��dS)N)�superrrB)rr)�	__class__rrr�szJSONObjectWithFields.__init__cCsDy|j|}Wn$tk
r2tjdj|���YnX|jt||��S)z�Encode a single field.

        :param str name: Name of the field to be encoded.

        :raises errors.SerializationError: if field cannot be serialized
        :raises errors.Error: if field could not be found

        zField not found: {0})r0�KeyErrorr�Error�formatr r2)rr9rArrrr �s
	zJSONObjectWithFields.encodecCs�i}t�}x�|jj�D]z\}}t||�}|j|�rB|j||f�qy|j|�||j<Wqtj	k
r�}ztj	dj
|||���WYdd}~XqXqW|S)zSerialize fields to JSON.zCould not encode {0} ({1}): {2}N)�setr0r(r2r�addr r	rZSerializationErrorrG)r�jobjZomittedr@rAr�errorrrr�fields_to_partial_json�s

"z+JSONObjectWithFields.fields_to_partial_jsoncCs|j�S)N)rL)rrrr�to_partial_jsonsz$JSONObjectWithFields.to_partial_jsoncCsZt�}x4|jj�D]&\}}|jr|j|kr|j|j�qW|rVtjdjdj	|����dS)Nz&The following fields are required: {0}�,)
rHr0r(rr	rIr�DeserializationErrorrG�join)rrJZmissing�_rArrr�_check_requiredsz$JSONObjectWithFields._check_requiredcCs�|j|�i}x�|jj�D]z\}}|j|kr>|jr>|j||<q||j}y|j|�||<Wqtjk
r�}ztjdj	|||���WYdd}~XqXqW|S)zDeserialize fields from JSON.z#Could not decode {0!r} ({1!r}): {2}N)
rRr0r(r	rr
"z%JSONObjectWithFields.fields_from_jsoncCs|f|j|��S)N)rS)rrJrrr�	from_json&szJSONObjectWithFields.from_json)r)r*r+r,r.rrBrr rLrMrRrSrT�
__classcell__rr)rDrr>�sr>)�	metaclass)�datar?cCstj|�jd�S)zJEncode JOSE Base-64 field.

    :param bytes data:
    :rtype: `str`

    �ascii)rZ	b64encoder)rWrrr�encode_b64jose+srYFcCs�ytj|j��}Wn.tjk
r@}ztj|��WYdd}~XnX|dk	r||r\t|�|ksl|r|t|�|kr|tjdj|���|S)aDecode JOSE Base-64 field.

    :param unicode data:
    :param int size: Required length (after decoding).
    :param bool minimum: If ``True``, then `size` will be treated as
        minimum required length, as opposed to exact equality.

    :rtype: bytes

    Nz&Expected at least or exactly {0} bytes)	rZ	b64decoder �binasciirFrrO�lenrG)rW�size�minimumZdecodedrKrrr�decode_b64jose6sr^cCstj|�j�S)z;Hexlify.

    :param bytes value:
    :rtype: unicode

    )rZZhexlifyr)rrrr�encode_hex16Nsr_cCs�|j�}|dk	rB|r&t|�|dks:|rBt|�|dkrBtj��y
rz}ztj|��WYdd}~XnXdS)aDecode hexlified field.

    :param unicode value:
    :param int size: Required length (after decoding).
    :param bool minimum: If ``True``, then `size` will be treated as
        minimum required length, as opposed to exact equality.

    :rtype: bytes

    N�)r r[rrOrZZ	unhexlifyrF)rr\r]rKrrr�decode_hex16Xs
racCsttjjtjj|j��S)z�Encode certificate as JOSE Base-64 DER.

    :type cert: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`
    :rtype: unicode

rL}ztj	|��WYdd}~XnXdS)z�Decode JOSE Base-64 DER-encoded certificate.

    :param unicode b64der:
    :rtype: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`


ricCsttjjtjj|j��S)zEncode CSR as JOSE Base-64 DER.

    :type csr: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`
    :rtype: unicode

rL}ztj	|��WYdd}~XnXdS)z�Decode JOSE Base-64 DER-encoded CSR.

    :param unicode b64der:
    :rtype: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`


rkc@s`eZdZUdZeZedZeeZe	ee
feddd��Zedd��Z
dd	�Zed
�TypedJSONObjectWithFieldszJSON object with type.rNcCs |dkr|jn|}||j|<|S)z(Register class for JSON deserialization.N)�typ�TYPES)r�type_clsrmrrr�register�s
r�tj	||��YnXdS)z&Get the registered class for ``jobj``.zMissing type field ({0})z{0} is not a dictionary objectzmissing type fieldN)
rn�values�type_field_namerrOrGrr'rEZUnrecognizedTypeError)rrJrmrrr�get_type_cls�s 

z&TypedJSONObjectWithFields.get_type_clscCs|j�}|j||j<|S)aGet JSON serializable object.

        :returns: Serializable JSON object representing ACME typed object.
            :meth:`validate` will almost certainly not work, due to reasons
            explained in :class:`josepy.interfaces.IJSONSerializable`.
        :rtype: dict

        )rLrmrr)rrJrrrrM�s	z)TypedJSONObjectWithFields.to_partial_jsoncCs|j|�}|f|j|��S)z�Deserialize ACME object from valid JSON object.

        :raises josepy.errors.UnrecognizedTypeError: if type
            of the ACME object has not been registered.

rl)NF)NF)!r,r6rZZloggingZtypingrrrbZjosepyrrrrZ	getLoggerr)Zloggerrr7r/ZImmutableMapZJSONDeSerializabler>�bytesr=rYr^r_rarfrirjrkrlrrrr�<module>s*