Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/josepy/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/josepy/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc |
3 �}:a � @ sN d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ G dd� de ej d�ZdS )zJOSE interfaces.� N)�errors�util)�Sequence�Mappingc @ s\ e Zd ZdZejdd� �Zdd� Zej dd� �Z edd � �Zd d� Z dd � Zedd� �ZdS )�JSONDeSerializablea� Interface for (de)serializable JSON objects. Please recall, that standard Python library implements :class:`json.JSONEncoder` and :class:`json.JSONDecoder` that perform translations based on respective :ref:`conversion tables <conversion-table>` that look pretty much like the one below (for complete tables see relevant Python documentation): .. _conversion-table: ====== ====== JSON Python ====== ====== object dict ... ... ====== ====== While the above **conversion table** is about translation of JSON documents to/from the basic Python types only, :class:`JSONDeSerializable` introduces the following two concepts: serialization Turning an arbitrary Python object into Python object that can be encoded into a JSON document. **Full serialization** produces a Python object composed of only basic types as required by the :ref:`conversion table <conversion-table>`. **Partial serialization** (accomplished by :meth:`to_partial_json`) produces a Python object that might also be built from other :class:`JSONDeSerializable` objects. deserialization Turning a decoded Python object (necessarily one of the basic types as required by the :ref:`conversion table <conversion-table>`) into an arbitrary Python object. Serialization produces **serialized object** ("partially serialized object" or "fully serialized object" for partial and full serialization respectively) and deserialization produces **deserialized object**, both usually denoted in the source code as ``jobj``. Wording in the official Python documentation might be confusing after reading the above, but in the light of those definitions, one can view :meth:`json.JSONDecoder.decode` as decoder and deserializer of basic types, :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.default` as serializer of basic types, :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.encode` as serializer and encoder of basic types. One could extend :mod:`json` to support arbitrary object (de)serialization either by: - overriding :meth:`json.JSONDecoder.decode` and :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.default` in subclasses - or passing ``object_hook`` argument (or ``object_hook_pairs``) to :func:`json.load`/:func:`json.loads` or ``default`` argument for :func:`json.dump`/:func:`json.dumps`. Interestingly, ``default`` is required to perform only partial serialization, as :func:`json.dumps` applies ``default`` recursively. This is the idea behind making :meth:`to_partial_json` produce only partial serialization, while providing custom :meth:`json_dumps` that dumps with ``default`` set to :meth:`json_dump_default`. To make further documentation a bit more concrete, please, consider the following imaginatory implementation example:: class Foo(JSONDeSerializable): def to_partial_json(self): return 'foo' @classmethod def from_json(cls, jobj): return Foo() class Bar(JSONDeSerializable): def to_partial_json(self): return [Foo(), Foo()] @classmethod def from_json(cls, jobj): return Bar() c C s t � �dS )a� Partially serialize. Following the example, **partial serialization** means the following:: assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo) assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo) # in particular... assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo'] :raises josepy.errors.SerializationError: in case of any serialization error. :returns: Partially serializable object. N)�NotImplementedError)�self� r � /usr/lib/python3.6/interfaces.py�to_partial_jsonf s z"JSONDeSerializable.to_partial_jsonc s � fdd�� � | �S )aD Fully serialize. Again, following the example from before, **full serialization** means the following:: assert Bar().to_json() == ['foo', 'foo'] :raises josepy.errors.SerializationError: in case of any serialization error. :returns: Fully serialized object. c s� t | t�r� | j� �S t | t�r$| S t | t�r@� fdd�| D �S t | t�r`t� fdd�| D ��S t | t�r�� fdd�| j� D �S | S d S )Nc s g | ]}� |��qS r r )�.0�subobj)� _serializer r � <listcomp>� s zBJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<listcomp>c 3 s | ]}� |�V qd S )Nr )r r )r r r � <genexpr>� s zAJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<genexpr>c s i | ]\}}� |�� |��qS r r )r �key�value)r r r � <dictcomp>� s zBJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<dictcomp>) � isinstancer r �str�listr �tupler �items)�obj)r r r r � s z.JSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serializer )r r )r r �to_jsony s zJSONDeSerializable.to_jsonc C s | � S )a� Deserialize a decoded JSON document. :param jobj: Python object, composed of only other basic data types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily :class:`dict` (as decoded from "JSON object" document). :raises josepy.errors.DeserializationError: if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded string, etc. r )�clsZjobjr r r � from_json� s zJSONDeSerializable.from_jsonc C sF yt j|�}W n, tk r: } ztj|��W Y dd}~X nX | j|�S )z&Deserialize from JSON document string.N)�json�loads� ValueErrorr ZDeserializationErrorr )r Zjson_stringr �errorr r r � json_loads� s zJSONDeSerializable.json_loadsc K s t j| fd| ji|��S )zsDump to JSON string using proper serializer. :returns: JSON document string. :rtype: str �default)r �dumps�json_dump_default)r �kwargsr r r � json_dumps� s zJSONDeSerializable.json_dumpsc C s | j dddd�S )zNDump the object to pretty JSON document string. :rtype: str T� �,�: )Z sort_keys�indentZ separators)r( r) )r&