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�Zedd��ZdS)�JSONDeSerializablea�Interface for (de)serializable JSON objects.

    Please recall, that standard Python library implements
    :class:`json.JSONEncoder` and :class:`json.JSONDecoder` that perform
    translations based on respective :ref:`conversion tables
    <conversion-table>` that look pretty much like the one below (for
    complete tables see relevant Python documentation):

    .. _conversion-table:

    ======  ======
     JSON   Python
    ======  ======
    object  dict
    ...     ...
    ======  ======

    While the above **conversion table** is about translation of JSON
    documents to/from the basic Python types only,
    :class:`JSONDeSerializable` introduces the following two concepts:

        Turning an arbitrary Python object into Python object that can
        be encoded into a JSON document. **Full serialization** produces
        a Python object composed of only basic types as required by the
        :ref:`conversion table <conversion-table>`. **Partial
        serialization** (accomplished by :meth:`to_partial_json`)
        produces a Python object that might also be built from other
        :class:`JSONDeSerializable` objects.

        Turning a decoded Python object (necessarily one of the basic
        types as required by the :ref:`conversion table
        <conversion-table>`) into an arbitrary Python object.

    Serialization produces **serialized object** ("partially serialized
    object" or "fully serialized object" for partial and full
    serialization respectively) and deserialization produces
    **deserialized object**, both usually denoted in the source code as

    Wording in the official Python documentation might be confusing
    after reading the above, but in the light of those definitions, one
    can view :meth:`json.JSONDecoder.decode` as decoder and
    deserializer of basic types, :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.default` as
    serializer of basic types, :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.encode`  as
    serializer and encoder of basic types.

    One could extend :mod:`json` to support arbitrary object
    (de)serialization either by:

      - overriding :meth:`json.JSONDecoder.decode` and
        :meth:`json.JSONEncoder.default` in subclasses

      - or passing ``object_hook`` argument (or ``object_hook_pairs``)
        to :func:`json.load`/:func:`json.loads` or ``default`` argument
        for :func:`json.dump`/:func:`json.dumps`.

    Interestingly, ``default`` is required to perform only partial
    serialization, as :func:`json.dumps` applies ``default``
    recursively. This is the idea behind making :meth:`to_partial_json`
    produce only partial serialization, while providing custom
    :meth:`json_dumps` that dumps with ``default`` set to

    To make further documentation a bit more concrete, please, consider
    the following imaginatory implementation example::

      class Foo(JSONDeSerializable):
          def to_partial_json(self):
              return 'foo'

          def from_json(cls, jobj):
              return Foo()

      class Bar(JSONDeSerializable):
          def to_partial_json(self):
              return [Foo(), Foo()]

          def from_json(cls, jobj):
              return Bar()

t��dS)a�Partially serialize.

        Following the example, **partial serialization** means the following::

          assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo)
          assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo)

          # in particular...
          assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo']

        :raises josepy.errors.SerializationError:
            in case of any serialization error.
        :returns: Partially serializable object.

        N)�NotImplementedError)�self�r	� /usr/lib/python3.6/interfaces.py�to_partial_jsonfsz"JSONDeSerializable.to_partial_jsoncs�fdd���|�S)aDFully serialize.

        Again, following the example from before, **full serialization**
        means the following::

          assert Bar().to_json() == ['foo', 'foo']

        :raises josepy.errors.SerializationError:
            in case of any serialization error.
        :returns: Fully serialized object.

        cs�t|t�r�|j��St|t�r$|St|t�r@�fdd�|D�St|t�r`t�fdd�|D��St|t�r��fdd�|j�D�S|SdS)Ncsg|]}�|��qSr	r	)�.0�subobj)�
_serializer	r
<listcomp>�szBJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<listcomp>c3s|]}�|�VqdS)Nr	)rr
)rr	r
�	<genexpr>�szAJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<genexpr>csi|]\}}�|��|��qSr	r	)r�key�value)rr	r
<dictcomp>�szBJSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serialize.<locals>.<dictcomp>)	�
isinstancerr�str�listr�tupler�items)�obj)rr	r

z.JSONDeSerializable.to_json.<locals>._serializer	)rr	)rr
zJSONDeSerializable.to_jsoncCs|�S)a�Deserialize a decoded JSON document.

        :param jobj: Python object, composed of only other basic data
            types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily
            :class:`dict` (as decoded from "JSON object" document).

        :raises josepy.errors.DeserializationError:
            if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable
            X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded
            string, etc.

        r	)�clsZjobjr	r	r
�	from_json�szJSONDeSerializable.from_jsoncCsFytj|�}Wn,tk
r:}ztj|��WYdd}~XnX|j|�S)z&Deserialize from JSON document string.N)�json�loads�
ValueErrorrZDeserializationErrorr)rZjson_stringr�errorr	r	r
zJSONDeSerializable.json_loadscKstj|fd|ji|��S)zsDump to JSON string using proper serializer.

        :returns: JSON document string.
        :rtype: str

        �default)r�dumps�json_dump_default)r�kwargsr	r	r
json_dumps�szJSONDeSerializable.json_dumpscCs|jdddd�S)zNDump the object to pretty JSON document string.

        :rtype: str

        T��,�: )Z	sort_keys�indentZ
separators)r(r))r&)rr	r	r
�json_dumps_pretty�sz$JSONDeSerializable.json_dumps_prettycCs&t|t�r|j�Stt|�d��dS)a�Serialize Python object.

        This function is meant to be passed as ``default`` to
        :func:`json.dump` or :func:`json.dumps`. They call
        ``default(python_object)`` only for non-basic Python types, so
        this function necessarily raises :class:`TypeError` if
        ``python_object`` is not an instance of

        Please read the class docstring for more information.

        z is not JSON serializableN)rrr�	TypeError�repr)rZ
python_objectr	r	r
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�abc�abstractmethodrrr�abstractclassmethodr�classmethodr!r&r+r$r	r	r	r
rsV 		r)�	metaclass)r1r2rZjosepyrr�collections.abcrr�object�ABCMetarr	r	r	r