Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/plugins/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/plugins/glances_memswap.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # """Swap memory plugin.""" from glances.compat import iterkeys from glances.timer import getTimeSinceLastUpdate from glances.plugins.glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin import psutil # Fields description fields_description = { 'total': {'description': 'Total swap memory.', 'unit': 'bytes', 'min_symbol': 'K'}, 'used': {'description': 'Used swap memory.', 'unit': 'bytes', 'min_symbol': 'K'}, 'free': {'description': 'Free swap memory.', 'unit': 'bytes', 'min_symbol': 'K'}, 'percent': {'description': 'Used swap memory in percentage.', 'unit': 'percent'}, 'sin': { 'description': 'The number of bytes the system has swapped in from disk (cumulative).', 'unit': 'bytes', 'min_symbol': 'K', }, 'sout': { 'description': 'The number of bytes the system has swapped out from disk (cumulative).', 'unit': 'bytes', 'min_symbol': 'K', }, 'time_since_update': {'description': 'Number of seconds since last update.', 'unit': 'seconds'}, } # SNMP OID # Total Swap Size: . # Available Swap Space: . snmp_oid = { 'default': {'total': '', 'free': ''}, 'windows': { 'mnt_point': '', 'alloc_unit': '', 'size': '', 'used': '', }, } # Define the history items list # All items in this list will be historised if the --enable-history tag is set items_history_list = [{'name': 'percent', 'description': 'Swap memory usage', 'y_unit': '%'}] class Plugin(GlancesPlugin): """Glances swap memory plugin. stats is a dict """ def __init__(self, args=None, config=None): """Init the plugin.""" super(Plugin, self).__init__( args=args, config=config, items_history_list=items_history_list, fields_description=fields_description ) # We want to display the stat in the curse interface self.display_curse = True @GlancesPlugin._check_decorator @GlancesPlugin._log_result_decorator def update(self): """Update swap memory stats using the input method.""" # Init new stats stats = self.get_init_value() if self.input_method == 'local': # Update stats using the standard system lib # Grab SWAP using the psutil swap_memory method try: sm_stats = psutil.swap_memory() except RuntimeError: # Crash on startup on Illumos when no swap is configured #1767 pass else: # Get all the swap stats (copy/paste of the psutil documentation) # total: total swap memory in bytes # used: used swap memory in bytes # free: free swap memory in bytes # percent: the percentage usage # sin: the number of bytes the system has swapped in from disk (cumulative) # sout: the number of bytes the system has swapped out from disk (cumulative) for swap in ['total', 'used', 'free', 'percent', 'sin', 'sout']: if hasattr(sm_stats, swap): stats[swap] = getattr(sm_stats, swap) # By storing time data we enable sin/s and sout/s calculations in the # XML/RPC API, which would otherwise be overly difficult work # for users of the API stats['time_since_update'] = getTimeSinceLastUpdate('memswap') elif self.input_method == 'snmp': # Update stats using SNMP if self.short_system_name == 'windows': # Mem stats for Windows OS are stored in the FS table try: fs_stat = self.get_stats_snmp(snmp_oid=snmp_oid[self.short_system_name], bulk=True) except KeyError: self.reset() else: for fs in fs_stat: # The virtual memory concept is used by the operating # system to extend (virtually) the physical memory and # thus to run more programs by swapping unused memory # zone (page) to a disk file. if fs == 'Virtual Memory': stats['total'] = int(fs_stat[fs]['size']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit']) stats['used'] = int(fs_stat[fs]['used']) * int(fs_stat[fs]['alloc_unit']) stats['percent'] = float(stats['used'] * 100 / stats['total']) stats['free'] = stats['total'] - stats['used'] break else: stats = self.get_stats_snmp(snmp_oid=snmp_oid['default']) if stats['total'] == '': self.reset() return stats for key in iterkeys(stats): if stats[key] != '': stats[key] = float(stats[key]) * 1024 # used=total-free stats['used'] = stats['total'] - stats['free'] # percent: the percentage usage calculated as (total - # available) / total * 100. stats['percent'] = float((stats['total'] - stats['free']) / stats['total'] * 100) # Update the stats self.stats = stats return self.stats def update_views(self): """Update stats views.""" # Call the father's method super(Plugin, self).update_views() # Add specifics information # Alert and log if 'used' in self.stats and 'total' in self.stats and 'percent' in self.stats: self.views['percent']['decoration'] = self.get_alert_log(self.stats['used'], maximum=self.stats['total']) def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None): """Return the dict to display in the curse interface.""" # Init the return message ret = [] # Only process if stats exist and plugin not disabled if not self.stats or self.is_disabled(): return ret # First line # total% msg = '{:4}'.format('SWAP') ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, "TITLE")) msg = ' {:2}'.format(self.trend_msg(self.get_trend('percent'))) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg)) # Percent memory usage msg = '{:>6.1%}'.format(self.stats['percent'] / 100) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, self.get_views(key='percent', option='decoration'))) # Second line # total ret.append(self.curse_new_line()) # Total memory usage ret.extend(self.curse_add_stat('total', width=15)) # Third line # used ret.append(self.curse_new_line()) # Used memory usage ret.extend(self.curse_add_stat('used', width=15)) # Fourth line # free ret.append(self.curse_new_line()) # Free memory usage ret.extend(self.curse_add_stat('free', width=15)) return ret