Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/plugins/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/plugins/glances_ip.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # """IP plugin.""" import threading from ujson import loads from glances.compat import queue, urlopen, urlopen_auth from glances.logger import logger from glances.timer import Timer, getTimeSinceLastUpdate from glances.plugins.glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin # Import plugin specific dependency try: import netifaces except ImportError as e: import_error_tag = True logger.warning("Missing Python Lib ({}), IP plugin is disabled".format(e)) else: import_error_tag = False # List of online services to retrieve public IP address # List of tuple (url, json, key) # - url: URL of the Web site # - json: service return a JSON (True) or string (False) # - key: key of the IP address in the JSON structure urls = [ ('https://httpbin.org/ip', True, 'origin'), ('https://api.ipify.org/?format=json', True, 'ip'), ('https://ipv4.jsonip.com', True, 'ip'), ] class Plugin(GlancesPlugin): """Glances IP Plugin. stats is a dict """ _default_public_refresh_interval = 300 _default_public_ip_disabled = ["False"] def __init__(self, args=None, config=None): """Init the plugin.""" super(Plugin, self).__init__(args=args, config=config) # We want to display the stat in the curse interface self.display_curse = True # For public IP address self.public_address = "" self.public_address_refresh_interval = self.get_conf_value( "public_refresh_interval", default=self._default_public_refresh_interval ) public_ip_disabled = self.get_conf_value("public_ip_disabled", default=self._default_public_ip_disabled) self.public_ip_disabled = True if public_ip_disabled == ["True"] else False # For the Censys options (see issue #2105) self.public_info = "" self.censys_url = self.get_conf_value("censys_url", default=[None])[0] self.censys_username = self.get_conf_value("censys_username", default=[None])[0] self.censys_password = self.get_conf_value("censys_password", default=[None])[0] self.censys_fields = self.get_conf_value("censys_fields", default=[None]) self.public_info_disabled = ( self.censys_url is None or self.censys_username is None or self.censys_password is None or self.censys_fields is None ) @GlancesPlugin._check_decorator @GlancesPlugin._log_result_decorator def update(self): """Update IP stats using the input method. :return: the stats dict """ # Init new stats stats = self.get_init_value() if self.input_method == 'local' and not import_error_tag: # Update stats using the netifaces lib # Start with the default IP gateway try: default_gw = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET] except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: logger.debug("Cannot grab default gateway IP address ({})".format(e)) return {} else: stats['gateway'] = default_gw[0] # Then the private IP address # If multiple IP addresses are available, only the one with the default gateway is returned try: address = netifaces.ifaddresses(default_gw[1])[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] mask = netifaces.ifaddresses(default_gw[1])[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['netmask'] except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: logger.debug("Cannot grab private IP address ({})".format(e)) return {} else: stats['address'] = address stats['mask'] = mask stats['mask_cidr'] = self.ip_to_cidr(stats['mask']) # Finally with the public IP address time_since_update = getTimeSinceLastUpdate('public-ip') try: if not self.public_ip_disabled and ( self.stats.get('address') != address or time_since_update > self.public_address_refresh_interval ): self.public_address = PublicIpAddress().get() if not self.public_info_disabled: self.public_info = PublicIpInfo( self.public_address, self.censys_url, self.censys_username, self.censys_password ).get() except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: logger.debug("Cannot grab public IP information ({})".format(e)) else: stats['public_address'] = self.public_address # Too much information provided in the public_info # Limit it to public_info_for_human # stats['public_info'] = self.public_info stats['public_info_human'] = self.public_info_for_human(self.public_info) elif self.input_method == 'snmp': # Not implemented yet pass # Update the stats self.stats = stats return self.stats def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None): """Return the dict to display in the curse interface.""" # Init the return message ret = [] # Only process if stats exist and display plugin enable... if not self.stats or self.is_disabled() or import_error_tag: return ret # Build the string message msg = ' - ' ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, optional=True)) # Start with the private IP information msg = 'IP ' ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, 'TITLE', optional=True)) if 'address' in self.stats: msg = '{}'.format(self.stats['address']) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, optional=True)) if 'mask_cidr' in self.stats: # VPN with no internet access (issue #842) msg = '/{}'.format(self.stats['mask_cidr']) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, optional=True)) # Then with the public IP information try: msg_pub = '{}'.format(self.stats['public_address']) except (UnicodeEncodeError, KeyError): # Add KeyError exception (see https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/1469) pass else: if self.stats['public_address']: msg = ' Pub ' ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, 'TITLE', optional=True)) ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg_pub, optional=True)) if self.stats['public_info_human']: ret.append(self.curse_add_line(' {}'.format(self.stats['public_info_human']), optional=True)) return ret def public_info_for_human(self, public_info): """Return the data to pack to the client.""" if not public_info: return '' field_result = [] for f in self.censys_fields: field = f.split(':') if len(field) == 1 and field[0] in public_info: field_result.append('{}'.format(public_info[field[0]])) elif len(field) == 2 and field[0] in public_info and field[1] in public_info[field[0]]: field_result.append('{}'.format(public_info[field[0]][field[1]])) return '/'.join(field_result) @staticmethod def ip_to_cidr(ip): """Convert IP address to CIDR. Example: '' will return 24 """ # Thanks to @Atticfire # See https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/1417#issuecomment-469894399 if ip is None: # Correct issue #1528 return 0 return sum(bin(int(x)).count('1') for x in ip.split('.')) class PublicIpAddress(object): """Get public IP address from online services.""" def __init__(self, timeout=2): """Init the class.""" self.timeout = timeout def get(self): """Get the first public IP address returned by one of the online services.""" q = queue.Queue() for u, j, k in urls: t = threading.Thread(target=self._get_ip_public, args=(q, u, j, k)) t.daemon = True t.start() timer = Timer(self.timeout) ip = None while not timer.finished() and ip is None: if q.qsize() > 0: ip = q.get() if ip is None: return None return ', '.join(set([x.strip() for x in ip.split(',')])) def _get_ip_public(self, queue_target, url, json=False, key=None): """Request the url service and put the result in the queue_target.""" try: response = urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).read().decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: logger.debug("IP plugin - Cannot open URL {} ({})".format(url, e)) queue_target.put(None) else: # Request depend on service try: if not json: queue_target.put(response) else: queue_target.put(loads(response)[key]) except ValueError: queue_target.put(None) class PublicIpInfo(object): """Get public IP information from Censys online service.""" def __init__(self, ip, url, username, password, timeout=2): """Init the class.""" self.ip = ip self.url = url self.username = username self.password = password self.timeout = timeout def get(self): """Return the public IP information returned by one of the online service.""" q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._get_ip_public_info, args=(q, self.ip, self.url, self.username, self.password)) t.daemon = True t.start() timer = Timer(self.timeout) info = None while not timer.finished() and info is None: if q.qsize() > 0: info = q.get() if info is None: return None return info def _get_ip_public_info(self, queue_target, ip, url, username, password): """Request the url service and put the result in the queue_target.""" request_url = "{}/v2/hosts/{}".format(url, ip) try: response = urlopen_auth(request_url, username, password).read() except Exception as e: logger.debug("IP plugin - Cannot open URL {} ({})".format(request_url, e)) queue_target.put(None) else: try: queue_target.put(loads(response)['result']) except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: logger.debug("IP plugin - Cannot get result field from {} ({})".format(request_url, e)) queue_target.put(None)