Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/outputs/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/outputs/glances_curses_browser.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # """Curses browser interface class .""" import math import curses from glances.outputs.glances_curses import _GlancesCurses from glances.logger import logger from glances.timer import Timer class GlancesCursesBrowser(_GlancesCurses): """Class for the Glances curse client browser.""" def __init__(self, args=None): """Init the father class.""" super(GlancesCursesBrowser, self).__init__(args=args) _colors_list = { 'UNKNOWN': self.no_color, 'SNMP': self.default_color2, 'ONLINE': self.default_color2, 'OFFLINE': self.ifCRITICAL_color2, 'PROTECTED': self.ifWARNING_color2, } self.colors_list.update(_colors_list) # First time scan tag # Used to display a specific message when the browser is started self.first_scan = True # Init refresh time self.__refresh_time = args.time # Init the cursor position for the client browser self.cursor_position = 0 # Active Glances server number self._active_server = None self._current_page = 0 self._page_max = 0 self._page_max_lines = 0 self.is_end = False self._revesed_sorting = False self._stats_list = None @property def active_server(self): """Return the active server or None if it's the browser list.""" return self._active_server @active_server.setter def active_server(self, index): """Set the active server or None if no server selected.""" self._active_server = index @property def cursor(self): """Get the cursor position.""" return self.cursor_position @cursor.setter def cursor(self, position): """Set the cursor position.""" self.cursor_position = position def get_pagelines(self, stats): if self._current_page == self._page_max - 1: page_lines = len(stats) % self._page_max_lines else: page_lines = self._page_max_lines return page_lines def _get_status_count(self, stats): counts = {} for item in stats: color = item['status'] counts[color] = counts.get(color, 0) + 1 result = '' for key in counts.keys(): result += key + ': ' + str(counts[key]) + ' ' return result def _get_stats(self, stats): stats_list = None if self._stats_list is not None: stats_list = self._stats_list stats_list.sort( reverse=self._revesed_sorting, key=lambda x: {'UNKNOWN': 0, 'OFFLINE': 1, 'PROTECTED': 2, 'SNMP': 3, 'ONLINE': 4}.get(x['status'], 99), ) else: stats_list = stats return stats_list def cursor_up(self, stats): """Set the cursor to position N-1 in the list.""" if 0 <= self.cursor_position - 1: self.cursor_position -= 1 else: if self._current_page - 1 < 0: self._current_page = self._page_max - 1 self.cursor_position = (len(stats) - 1) % self._page_max_lines else: self._current_page -= 1 self.cursor_position = self._page_max_lines - 1 def cursor_down(self, stats): """Set the cursor to position N-1 in the list.""" if self.cursor_position + 1 < self.get_pagelines(stats): self.cursor_position += 1 else: if self._current_page + 1 < self._page_max: self._current_page += 1 else: self._current_page = 0 self.cursor_position = 0 def cursor_pageup(self, stats): """Set prev page.""" if self._current_page - 1 < 0: self._current_page = self._page_max - 1 else: self._current_page -= 1 self.cursor_position = 0 def cursor_pagedown(self, stats): """Set next page.""" if self._current_page + 1 < self._page_max: self._current_page += 1 else: self._current_page = 0 self.cursor_position = 0 def __catch_key(self, stats): # Catch the browser pressed key self.pressedkey = self.get_key(self.term_window) refresh = False if self.pressedkey != -1: logger.debug("Key pressed. Code=%s" % self.pressedkey) # Actions... if self.pressedkey == ord('\x1b') or self.pressedkey == ord('q'): # 'ESC'|'q' > Quit self.end() logger.info("Stop Glances client browser") # sys.exit(0) self.is_end = True elif self.pressedkey == 10: # 'ENTER' > Run Glances on the selected server self.active_server = self._current_page * self._page_max_lines + self.cursor_position logger.debug("Server {}/{} selected".format(self.active_server, len(stats))) elif self.pressedkey == curses.KEY_UP or self.pressedkey == 65: # 'UP' > Up in the server list self.cursor_up(stats) logger.debug("Server {}/{} selected".format(self.cursor + 1, len(stats))) elif self.pressedkey == curses.KEY_DOWN or self.pressedkey == 66: # 'DOWN' > Down in the server list self.cursor_down(stats) logger.debug("Server {}/{} selected".format(self.cursor + 1, len(stats))) elif self.pressedkey == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # 'Page UP' > Prev page in the server list self.cursor_pageup(stats) logger.debug("PageUP: Server ({}/{}) pages.".format(self._current_page + 1, self._page_max)) elif self.pressedkey == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # 'Page Down' > Next page in the server list self.cursor_pagedown(stats) logger.debug("PageDown: Server {}/{} pages".format(self._current_page + 1, self._page_max)) elif self.pressedkey == ord('1'): self._stats_list = None refresh = True elif self.pressedkey == ord('2'): self._revesed_sorting = False self._stats_list = stats.copy() refresh = True elif self.pressedkey == ord('3'): self._revesed_sorting = True self._stats_list = stats.copy() refresh = True if refresh: self._current_page = 0 self.cursor_position = 0 self.flush(stats) # Return the key code return self.pressedkey def update(self, stats, duration=3, cs_status=None, return_to_browser=False): """Update the servers' list screen. Wait for __refresh_time sec / catch key every 100 ms. :param stats: Dict of dict with servers stats :param cs_status: :param duration: :param return_to_browser: """ # Flush display logger.debug('Servers list: {}'.format(stats)) self.flush(stats) # Wait exitkey = False countdown = Timer(self.__refresh_time) while not countdown.finished() and not exitkey: # Getkey pressedkey = self.__catch_key(stats) # Is it an exit or select server key ? exitkey = pressedkey == ord('\x1b') or pressedkey == ord('q') or pressedkey == 10 if not exitkey and pressedkey > -1: # Redraw display self.flush(stats) # Wait 100ms... self.wait() return self.active_server def flush(self, stats): """Update the servers' list screen. :param stats: List of dict with servers stats """ self.erase() self.display(stats) def display(self, stats, cs_status=None): """Display the servers list. :return: True if the stats have been displayed else False (no server available) """ # Init the internal line/column for Glances Curses self.init_line_column() # Get the current screen size screen_x = self.screen.getmaxyx()[1] screen_y = self.screen.getmaxyx()[0] stats_max = screen_y - 3 stats_len = len(stats) self._page_max_lines = stats_max self._page_max = int(math.ceil(stats_len / stats_max)) # Init position x = 0 y = 0 # Display top header if stats_len == 0: if self.first_scan and not self.args.disable_autodiscover: msg = 'Glances is scanning your network. Please wait...' self.first_scan = False else: msg = 'No Glances server available' elif len(stats) == 1: msg = 'One Glances server available' else: msg = '{} Glances servers available'.format(stats_len) if self.args.disable_autodiscover: msg += ' (auto discover is disabled)' if screen_y > 1: self.term_window.addnstr(y, x, msg, screen_x - x, self.colors_list['TITLE']) msg = '{}'.format(self._get_status_count(stats)) self.term_window.addnstr(y + 1, x, msg, screen_x - x) if stats_len > stats_max and screen_y > 2: msg = '{} servers displayed.({}/{}) {}'.format( self.get_pagelines(stats), self._current_page + 1, self._page_max, self._get_status_count(stats) ) self.term_window.addnstr(y + 1, x, msg, screen_x - x) if stats_len == 0: return False # Display the Glances server list # ================================ # Table of table # Item description: [stats_id, column name, column size] column_def = [ ['name', 'Name', 16], ['alias', None, None], ['load_min5', 'LOAD', 6], ['cpu_percent', 'CPU%', 5], ['mem_percent', 'MEM%', 5], ['status', 'STATUS', 9], ['ip', 'IP', 15], # ['port', 'PORT', 5], ['hr_name', 'OS', 16], ] y = 2 # Display table header xc = x + 2 for cpt, c in enumerate(column_def): if xc < screen_x and y < screen_y and c[1] is not None: self.term_window.addnstr(y, xc, c[1], screen_x - x, self.colors_list['BOLD']) xc += c[2] + self.space_between_column y += 1 # If a servers has been deleted from the list... # ... and if the cursor is in the latest position if self.cursor > len(stats) - 1: # Set the cursor position to the latest item self.cursor = len(stats) - 1 stats_list = self._get_stats(stats) start_line = self._page_max_lines * self._current_page end_line = start_line + self.get_pagelines(stats_list) current_page = stats_list[start_line:end_line] # Display table line = 0 for v in current_page: # Limit the number of displayed server (see issue #1256) if line >= stats_max: continue # Get server stats server_stat = {} for c in column_def: try: server_stat[c[0]] = v[c[0]] except KeyError as e: logger.debug("Cannot grab stats {} from server (KeyError: {})".format(c[0], e)) server_stat[c[0]] = '?' # Display alias instead of name try: if c[0] == 'alias' and v[c[0]] is not None: server_stat['name'] = v[c[0]] except KeyError: pass # Display line for server stats cpt = 0 xc = x # Is the line selected ? if line == self.cursor: # Display cursor self.term_window.addnstr(y, xc, ">", screen_x - xc, self.colors_list['BOLD']) # Display the line xc += 2 for c in column_def: if xc < screen_x and y < screen_y and c[1] is not None: # Display server stats self.term_window.addnstr(y, xc, format(server_stat[c[0]]), c[2], self.colors_list[v['status']]) xc += c[2] + self.space_between_column cpt += 1 # Next line, next server... y += 1 line += 1 return True