Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/outputs/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/glances/outputs/glances_bottle.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # """Web interface class.""" import os import sys import tempfile from io import open import webbrowser import zlib import socket from glances.globals import json_dumps from glances.compat import b from glances.timer import Timer from glances.logger import logger try: from bottle import Bottle, static_file, abort, response, request, auth_basic, template, TEMPLATE_PATH except ImportError: logger.critical('Bottle module not found. Glances cannot start in web server mode.') sys.exit(2) def compress(func): """Compress result with deflate algorithm if the client ask for it.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapper that take one function and return the compressed result.""" ret = func(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug( 'Receive {} {} request with header: {}'.format( request.method, request.url, ['{}: {}'.format(h, request.headers.get(h)) for h in request.headers.keys()], ) ) if 'deflate' in request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', ''): response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'deflate' ret = deflate_compress(ret) else: response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'identity' return ret def deflate_compress(data, compress_level=6): """Compress given data using the DEFLATE algorithm""" # Init compression zobj = zlib.compressobj( compress_level, zlib.DEFLATED, zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, zlib.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY ) # Return compressed object return zobj.compress(b(data)) + zobj.flush() return wrapper class GlancesBottle(object): """This class manages the Bottle Web server.""" API_VERSION = '3' def __init__(self, config=None, args=None): # Init config self.config = config # Init args self.args = args # Init stats # Will be updated within Bottle route self.stats = None # cached_time is the minimum time interval between stats updates # i.e. HTTP/RESTful calls will not retrieve updated info until the time # since last update is passed (will retrieve old cached info instead) self.timer = Timer(0) # Load configuration file self.load_config(config) # Set the bind URL self.bind_url = 'http://{}:{}/'.format(self.args.bind_address, self.args.port) # Init Bottle self._app = Bottle() # Enable CORS (issue #479) self._app.install(EnableCors()) # Password if args.password != '': self._app.install(auth_basic(self.check_auth)) # Define routes self._route() # Path where the statics files are stored self.STATIC_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'static/public') # Paths for templates TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'static/templates')) def load_config(self, config): """Load the outputs section of the configuration file.""" # Limit the number of processes to display in the WebUI if config is not None and config.has_section('outputs'): logger.debug('Read number of processes to display in the WebUI') n = config.get_value('outputs', 'max_processes_display', default=None) logger.debug('Number of processes to display in the WebUI: {}'.format(n)) def __update__(self): # Never update more than 1 time per cached_time if self.timer.finished(): self.stats.update() self.timer = Timer(self.args.cached_time) def app(self): return self._app() def check_auth(self, username, password): """Check if a username/password combination is valid.""" if username == self.args.username: from glances.password import GlancesPassword pwd = GlancesPassword(username=username, config=self.config) return pwd.check_password(self.args.password, pwd.sha256_hash(password)) else: return False def _route(self): """Define route.""" # REST API self._app.route('/api/%s/status' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_status) self._app.route('/api/%s/config' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_config) self._app.route('/api/%s/config/<item>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_config_item) self._app.route('/api/%s/args' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_args) self._app.route('/api/%s/args/<item>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_args_item) self._app.route('/api/%s/help' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_help) self._app.route('/api/%s/pluginslist' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_plugins) self._app.route('/api/%s/all' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_all) self._app.route('/api/%s/all/limits' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_all_limits) self._app.route('/api/%s/all/views' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_all_views) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>/history' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_history) self._app.route( '/api/%s/<plugin>/history/<nb:int>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_history ) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>/limits' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_limits) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>/views' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_views) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>/<item>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_item) self._app.route( '/api/%s/<plugin>/<item>/history' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_item_history ) self._app.route( '/api/%s/<plugin>/<item>/history/<nb:int>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_item_history ) self._app.route('/api/%s/<plugin>/<item>/<value>' % self.API_VERSION, method="GET", callback=self._api_value) bindmsg = 'Glances RESTful API Server started on {}api/{}/'.format(self.bind_url, self.API_VERSION) logger.info(bindmsg) # WEB UI if not self.args.disable_webui: self._app.route('/', method="GET", callback=self._index) self._app.route('/<refresh_time:int>', method=["GET"], callback=self._index) self._app.route('/<filepath:path>', method="GET", callback=self._resource) bindmsg = 'Glances Web User Interface started on {}'.format(self.bind_url) else: bindmsg = 'The WebUI is disable (--disable-webui)' logger.info(bindmsg) print(bindmsg) def start(self, stats): """Start the bottle.""" # Init stats self.stats = stats # Init plugin list self.plugins_list = self.stats.getPluginsList() # Bind the Bottle TCP address/port if self.args.open_web_browser: # Implementation of the issue #946 # Try to open the Glances Web UI in the default Web browser if: # 1) --open-web-browser option is used # 2) Glances standalone mode is running on Windows OS webbrowser.open(self.bind_url, new=2, autoraise=1) try: self._app.run(host=self.args.bind_address, port=self.args.port, quiet=not self.args.debug) except socket.error as e: logger.critical('Error: Can not ran Glances Web server ({})'.format(e)) def end(self): """End the bottle.""" def _index(self, refresh_time=None): """Bottle callback for index.html (/) file.""" if refresh_time is None or refresh_time < 1: refresh_time = int(self.args.time) # Update the stat self.__update__() # Display return template("index.html", refresh_time=refresh_time) def _resource(self, filepath): """Bottle callback for resources files.""" # Return the static file return static_file(filepath, root=self.STATIC_PATH) @compress def _api_status(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return a 200 status code. This entry point should be used to check the API health. See related issue: Web server health check endpoint #1988 """ response.status = 200 return None @compress def _api_help(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the help data or 404 error. """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Update the stat view_data = self.stats.get_plugin("help").get_view_data() try: plist = json_dumps(view_data) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get help view data (%s)" % str(e)) return plist @compress def _api_plugins(self): """Glances API RESTFul implementation. @api {get} /api/%s/pluginslist Get plugins list @apiVersion 2.0 @apiName pluginslist @apiGroup plugin @apiSuccess {String[]} Plugins list. @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ "load", "help", "ip", "memswap", "processlist", ... ] @apiError Cannot get plugin list. @apiErrorExample Error-Response: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Update the stat self.__update__() try: plist = json_dumps(self.plugins_list) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get plugin list (%s)" % str(e)) return plist @compress def _api_all(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of all the plugins HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.args.debug: fname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'glances-debug.json') try: with open(fname) as f: return f.read() except IOError: logger.debug("Debug file (%s) not found" % fname) # Update the stat self.__update__() try: # Get the JSON value of the stat ID statval = json_dumps(self.stats.getAllAsDict()) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get stats (%s)" % str(e)) return statval @compress def _api_all_limits(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of all the plugins limits HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' try: # Get the JSON value of the stat limits limits = json_dumps(self.stats.getAllLimitsAsDict()) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get limits (%s)" % (str(e))) return limits @compress def _api_all_views(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of all the plugins views HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' try: # Get the JSON value of the stat view limits = json_dumps(self.stats.getAllViewsAsDict()) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get views (%s)" % (str(e))) return limits @compress def _api(self, plugin): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of a given plugin HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if plugin not in self.plugins_list: abort(400, "Unknown plugin %s (available plugins: %s)" % (plugin, self.plugins_list)) # Update the stat self.__update__() try: # Get the JSON value of the stat ID statval = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_stats() except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get plugin %s (%s)" % (plugin, str(e))) return statval @compress def _api_history(self, plugin, nb=0): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of a given plugin history Limit to the last nb items (all if nb=0) HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if plugin not in self.plugins_list: abort(400, "Unknown plugin %s (available plugins: %s)" % (plugin, self.plugins_list)) # Update the stat self.__update__() try: # Get the JSON value of the stat ID statval = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_stats_history(nb=int(nb)) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get plugin history %s (%s)" % (plugin, str(e))) return statval @compress def _api_limits(self, plugin): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON limits of a given plugin HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if plugin not in self.plugins_list: abort(400, "Unknown plugin %s (available plugins: %s)" % (plugin, self.plugins_list)) # Update the stat # self.__update__() try: # Get the JSON value of the stat limits ret = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).limits except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get limits for plugin %s (%s)" % (plugin, str(e))) return ret @compress def _api_views(self, plugin): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON views of a given plugin HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if plugin not in self.plugins_list: abort(400, "Unknown plugin %s (available plugins: %s)" % (plugin, self.plugins_list)) # Update the stat # self.__update__() try: # Get the JSON value of the stat views ret = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_views() except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get views for plugin %s (%s)" % (plugin, str(e))) return ret # No compression see issue #1228 # @compress def _api_itemvalue(self, plugin, item, value=None, history=False, nb=0): """Father method for _api_item and _api_value.""" response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if plugin not in self.plugins_list: abort(400, "Unknown plugin %s (available plugins: %s)" % (plugin, self.plugins_list)) # Update the stat self.__update__() if value is None: if history: ret = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_stats_history(item, nb=int(nb)) else: ret = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_stats_item(item) if ret is None: abort(404, "Cannot get item %s%s in plugin %s" % (item, 'history ' if history else '', plugin)) else: if history: # Not available ret = None else: ret = self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_stats_value(item, value) if ret is None: abort( 404, "Cannot get item %s(%s=%s) in plugin %s" % ('history ' if history else '', item, value, plugin) ) return ret @compress def _api_item(self, plugin, item): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the couple plugin/item HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ return self._api_itemvalue(plugin, item) @compress def _api_item_history(self, plugin, item, nb=0): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the couple plugin/history of item HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ return self._api_itemvalue(plugin, item, history=True, nb=int(nb)) @compress def _api_value(self, plugin, item, value): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the process stats (dict) for the given item=value HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if plugin is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ return self._api_itemvalue(plugin, item, value) @compress def _api_config(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the Glances configuration file HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' try: # Get the JSON value of the config' dict args_json = json_dumps(self.config.as_dict()) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get config (%s)" % str(e)) return args_json @compress def _api_config_item(self, item): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the Glances configuration item HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if item is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' config_dict = self.config.as_dict() if item not in config_dict: abort(400, "Unknown configuration item %s" % item) try: # Get the JSON value of the config' dict args_json = json_dumps(config_dict[item]) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get config item (%s)" % str(e)) return args_json @compress def _api_args(self): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the Glances command line arguments HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' try: # Get the JSON value of the args' dict # Use vars to convert namespace to dict # Source: https://docs.python.org/%s/library/functions.html#vars args_json = json_dumps(vars(self.args)) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get args (%s)" % str(e)) return args_json @compress def _api_args_item(self, item): """Glances API RESTful implementation. Return the JSON representation of the Glances command line arguments item HTTP/200 if OK HTTP/400 if item is not found HTTP/404 if others error """ response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if item not in self.args: abort(400, "Unknown argument item %s" % item) try: # Get the JSON value of the args' dict # Use vars to convert namespace to dict # Source: https://docs.python.org/%s/library/functions.html#vars args_json = json_dumps(vars(self.args)[item]) except Exception as e: abort(404, "Cannot get args item (%s)" % str(e)) return args_json class EnableCors(object): name = 'enable_cors' api = 2 def apply(self, fn, context): def _enable_cors(*args, **kwargs): # set CORS headers response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS' response.headers[ 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' ] = 'Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token' if request.method != 'OPTIONS': # actual request; reply with the actual response return fn(*args, **kwargs) return _enable_cors