Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/plugins/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/plugins/webroot.py |
"""Webroot plugin.""" import argparse import collections import json import logging from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import DefaultDict from typing import Dict from typing import Iterable from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Set from typing import Type from typing import Union from acme import challenges from certbot import crypto_util from certbot import errors from certbot import interfaces from certbot._internal import cli from certbot.achallenges import KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge as AnnotatedChallenge from certbot.compat import filesystem from certbot.compat import os from certbot.display import ops from certbot.display import util as display_util from certbot.plugins import common from certbot.plugins import util from certbot.util import safe_open logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _WEB_CONFIG_CONTENT = """\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!--Generated by Certbot--> <configuration> <system.webServer> <staticContent> <remove fileExtension="."/> <mimeMap fileExtension="." mimeType="text/plain" /> </staticContent> </system.webServer> </configuration> """ # This list references the hashes of all versions of the web.config files that Certbot could # have generated during an HTTP-01 challenge. If you modify _WEB_CONFIG_CONTENT, you MUST add # the new hash in this list. _WEB_CONFIG_SHA256SUMS = [ "20c5ca1bd58fa8ad5f07a2f1be8b7cbb707c20fcb607a8fc8db9393952846a97", "8d31383d3a079d2098a9d0c0921f4ab87e708b9868dc3f314d54094c2fe70336" ] class Authenticator(common.Plugin, interfaces.Authenticator): """Webroot Authenticator.""" description = "Place files in webroot directory" MORE_INFO = """\ Authenticator plugin that performs http-01 challenge by saving necessary validation resources to appropriate paths on the file system. It expects that there is some other HTTP server configured to serve all files under specified web root ({0}).""" def more_info(self) -> str: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring return self.MORE_INFO.format(self.conf("path")) @classmethod def add_parser_arguments(cls, add: Callable[..., None]) -> None: add("path", "-w", default=[], action=_WebrootPathAction, help="public_html / webroot path. This can be specified multiple " "times to handle different domains; each domain will have " "the webroot path that preceded it. For instance: `-w " "/var/www/example -d example.com -d www.example.com -w " "/var/www/thing -d thing.net -d m.thing.net` (default: Ask)") add("map", default={}, action=_WebrootMapAction, help="JSON dictionary mapping domains to webroot paths; this " "implies -d for each entry. You may need to escape this from " "your shell. E.g.: --webroot-map " '\'{"eg1.is,m.eg1.is":"/www/eg1/", "eg2.is":"/www/eg2"}\' ' "This option is merged with, but takes precedence over, -w / " "-d entries. At present, if you put webroot-map in a config " "file, it needs to be on a single line, like: webroot-map = " '{"example.com":"/var/www"}.') def auth_hint(self, failed_achalls: Iterable[AnnotatedChallenge]) -> str: # pragma: no cover return ("The Certificate Authority failed to download the temporary challenge files " "created by Certbot. Ensure that the listed domains serve their content from " "the provided --webroot-path/-w and that files created there can be downloaded " "from the internet.") def get_chall_pref(self, domain: str) -> Iterable[Type[challenges.Challenge]]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument,missing-function-docstring return [challenges.HTTP01] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.full_roots: Dict[str, str] = {} self.performed: DefaultDict[str, Set[AnnotatedChallenge]] = collections.defaultdict(set) # stack of dirs successfully created by this authenticator self._created_dirs: List[str] = [] def prepare(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring pass def perform(self, achalls: Iterable[AnnotatedChallenge]) -> List[challenges.ChallengeResponse]: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring self._set_webroots(achalls) self._create_challenge_dirs() return [self._perform_single(achall) for achall in achalls] def _set_webroots(self, achalls: Iterable[AnnotatedChallenge]) -> None: if self.conf("path"): webroot_path = self.conf("path")[-1] logger.info("Using the webroot path %s for all unmatched domains.", webroot_path) for achall in achalls: self.conf("map").setdefault(achall.domain, webroot_path) else: known_webroots = list(set(self.conf("map").values())) for achall in achalls: if achall.domain not in self.conf("map"): new_webroot = self._prompt_for_webroot(achall.domain, known_webroots) # Put the most recently input # webroot first for easy selection try: known_webroots.remove(new_webroot) except ValueError: pass known_webroots.insert(0, new_webroot) self.conf("map")[achall.domain] = new_webroot def _prompt_for_webroot(self, domain: str, known_webroots: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: webroot = None while webroot is None: if known_webroots: # Only show the menu if we have options for it webroot = self._prompt_with_webroot_list(domain, known_webroots) if webroot is None: webroot = self._prompt_for_new_webroot(domain) else: # Allow prompt to raise PluginError instead of looping forever webroot = self._prompt_for_new_webroot(domain, True) return webroot def _prompt_with_webroot_list(self, domain: str, known_webroots: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: path_flag = "--" + self.option_name("path") while True: code, index = display_util.menu( "Select the webroot for {0}:".format(domain), ["Enter a new webroot"] + known_webroots, cli_flag=path_flag, force_interactive=True) if code == display_util.CANCEL: raise errors.PluginError( "Every requested domain must have a " "webroot when using the webroot plugin.") return None if index == 0 else known_webroots[index - 1] # code == display_util.OK def _prompt_for_new_webroot(self, domain: str, allowraise: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: code, webroot = ops.validated_directory( _validate_webroot, "Input the webroot for {0}:".format(domain), force_interactive=True) if code == display_util.CANCEL: if not allowraise: return None raise errors.PluginError( "Every requested domain must have a " "webroot when using the webroot plugin.") return _validate_webroot(webroot) # code == display_util.OK def _create_challenge_dirs(self) -> None: path_map = self.conf("map") if not path_map: raise errors.PluginError( "Missing parts of webroot configuration; please set either " "--webroot-path and --domains, or --webroot-map. Run with " " --help webroot for examples.") for name, path in path_map.items(): self.full_roots[name] = os.path.join(path, os.path.normcase( challenges.HTTP01.URI_ROOT_PATH)) logger.debug("Creating root challenges validation dir at %s", self.full_roots[name]) # Change the permissions to be writable (GH #1389) # Umask is used instead of chmod to ensure the client can also # run as non-root (GH #1795) old_umask = filesystem.umask(0o022) try: # We ignore the last prefix in the next iteration, # as it does not correspond to a folder path ('/' or 'C:') for prefix in sorted(util.get_prefixes(self.full_roots[name])[:-1], key=len): if os.path.isdir(prefix): # Don't try to create directory if it already exists, as some filesystems # won't reliably raise EEXIST or EISDIR if directory exists. continue try: # Set owner as parent directory if possible, apply mode for Linux/Windows. # For Linux, this is coupled with the "umask" call above because # os.mkdir's "mode" parameter may not always work: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.mkdir filesystem.mkdir(prefix, 0o755) self._created_dirs.append(prefix) try: filesystem.copy_ownership_and_apply_mode( path, prefix, 0o755, copy_user=True, copy_group=True) except (OSError, AttributeError) as exception: logger.warning("Unable to change owner and uid of webroot directory") logger.debug("Error was: %s", exception) except OSError as exception: raise errors.PluginError( "Couldn't create root for {0} http-01 " "challenge responses: {1}".format(name, exception)) finally: filesystem.umask(old_umask) # On Windows, generate a local web.config file that allows IIS to serve expose # challenge files despite the fact they do not have a file extension. if not filesystem.POSIX_MODE: web_config_path = os.path.join(self.full_roots[name], "web.config") if os.path.exists(web_config_path): logger.info("A web.config file has not been created in " "%s because another one already exists.", self.full_roots[name]) continue logger.info("Creating a web.config file in %s to allow IIS " "to serve challenge files.", self.full_roots[name]) with safe_open(web_config_path, mode="w", chmod=0o644) as web_config: web_config.write(_WEB_CONFIG_CONTENT) def _get_validation_path(self, root_path: str, achall: AnnotatedChallenge) -> str: return os.path.join(root_path, achall.chall.encode("token")) def _perform_single(self, achall: AnnotatedChallenge) -> challenges.ChallengeResponse: response, validation = achall.response_and_validation() root_path = self.full_roots[achall.domain] validation_path = self._get_validation_path(root_path, achall) logger.debug("Attempting to save validation to %s", validation_path) # Change permissions to be world-readable, owner-writable (GH #1795) old_umask = filesystem.umask(0o022) try: with safe_open(validation_path, mode="wb", chmod=0o644) as validation_file: validation_file.write(validation.encode()) finally: filesystem.umask(old_umask) self.performed[root_path].add(achall) return response def cleanup(self, achalls: Iterable[AnnotatedChallenge]) -> None: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring for achall in achalls: root_path = self.full_roots.get(achall.domain, None) if root_path is not None: validation_path = self._get_validation_path(root_path, achall) logger.debug("Removing %s", validation_path) os.remove(validation_path) self.performed[root_path].remove(achall) if not filesystem.POSIX_MODE: web_config_path = os.path.join(root_path, "web.config") if os.path.exists(web_config_path): sha256sum = crypto_util.sha256sum(web_config_path) if sha256sum in _WEB_CONFIG_SHA256SUMS: logger.info("Cleaning web.config file generated by Certbot in %s.", root_path) os.remove(web_config_path) else: logger.info("Not cleaning up the web.config file in %s " "because it is not generated by Certbot.", root_path) not_removed: List[str] = [] while self._created_dirs: path = self._created_dirs.pop() try: os.rmdir(path) except OSError as exc: not_removed.insert(0, path) logger.info("Challenge directory %s was not empty, didn't remove", path) logger.debug("Error was: %s", exc) self._created_dirs = not_removed logger.debug("All challenges cleaned up") class _WebrootMapAction(argparse.Action): """Action class for parsing webroot_map.""" def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: argparse.Namespace, webroot_map: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if webroot_map is None: return for domains, webroot_path in json.loads(str(webroot_map)).items(): webroot_path = _validate_webroot(webroot_path) namespace.webroot_map.update( (d, webroot_path) for d in cli.add_domains(namespace, domains)) class _WebrootPathAction(argparse.Action): """Action class for parsing webroot_path.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._domain_before_webroot = False def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: argparse.Namespace, webroot_path: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if webroot_path is None: return if self._domain_before_webroot: raise errors.PluginError( "If you specify multiple webroot paths, " "one of them must precede all domain flags") if namespace.webroot_path: # Apply previous webroot to all matched # domains before setting the new webroot path prev_webroot = namespace.webroot_path[-1] for domain in namespace.domains: namespace.webroot_map.setdefault(domain, prev_webroot) elif namespace.domains: self._domain_before_webroot = True namespace.webroot_path.append(_validate_webroot(str(webroot_path))) def _validate_webroot(webroot_path: str) -> str: """Validates and returns the absolute path of webroot_path. :param str webroot_path: path to the webroot directory :returns: absolute path of webroot_path :rtype: str """ if not os.path.isdir(webroot_path): raise errors.PluginError(webroot_path + " does not exist or is not a directory") return os.path.abspath(webroot_path)