Current Path : /home/ncom/www/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/assets/js/Elementor/ |
Current File : //home/ncom/www/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/assets/js/Elementor/CampaignSelector.js |
import { getOptions, getCampaign } from '../Utils/campaigns'; const removed = []; OMAPI._usedSlugs = OMAPI._usedSlugs || {}; class CampaignSelector extends elementorModules.frontend.handlers.Base { static $editorSelect = null; getDefaultSettings() { return { selectors: { holder: '.om-elementor-editor .om-elementor-holder', select: '.om-elementor-editor select', links: '.om-elementor-editor a', }, }; } getDefaultElements() { const selectors = this.getSettings('selectors'); return { $holder: this.$element.find(selectors.holder), $select: this.$element.find(selectors.select), $links: this.$element.find(selectors.links), }; } bindEvents() { window.OMAPI_Elementor.instances.push(this); this.oldSlug = this.campaignSlug(); this.campaignLoaded = false; this.on('campaignLoaded', () => { this.campaignLoaded = true; this.$element.find('.om-elementor-editor .om-errors').hide(); }); this.on('otherCampaignLoaded', this.updateSelect.bind(this)); this.on('otherCampaignRemoved', this.updateSelect.bind(this)); this.on('campaignError', this.foundError.bind(this)); this.elements.$select.on('change', this.onSelect.bind(this)); this.elements.$links.on('click', this.onClickLinks.bind(this)); this.initCampaignPreview(); this.maybeTogglePanelSettings(); } unbindEvents() { const campaign = this.getCampaign(); if (campaign) { removed.push(campaign); campaign.off(); } if (this.oldSlug) { delete OMAPI._usedSlugs[this.oldSlug]; window.OMAPI_Elementor.utils.events.trigger(document, 'Plugin.Elementor.Instance.removed', { id: this.oldSlug, }); } } /** * Handles get-campaigns error. * * @2.2.0 * * @param {Object} error Error event object * * @returns {void} */ foundError(error) { const slug = this.campaignSlug(); if (error.responseURL && 0 > error.responseURL.indexOf(slug)) { return; } let msg = error; if (error.response) { msg = JSON.parse(error.response).message || JSON.parse(error.response).error; } if (error.message) { msg = error.message; } this.$element.find('.om-elementor-editor .om-errors').show().find('.om-error-description').html(msg); } onClickLinks(event) { event.preventDefault(); window.open(event.target.href); } onSelect(event) { event.preventDefault(); const $select = window.parent.jQuery( '#elementor-controls .elementor-control-campaign_id select[data-setting="campaign_id"]' ); $select.val(this.elements.$select.val()).trigger('change'); } onElementChange(propertyName, controlView, elementView) { const $editorSelect = controlView.$el.find('select[data-setting="campaign_id"]'); if ($editorSelect.length) { CampaignSelector.$editorSelect = $editorSelect; } this.maybeTogglePanelSettings(); if ('campaign_id' === propertyName) { this.initCampaignPreview(); } } initCampaignPreview() { this.initCampaign(); this.updateSelect(); } initCampaign() { const slug = this.campaignSlug(); if (!slug) { return; } if (this.oldSlug) { delete OMAPI._usedSlugs[this.oldSlug]; } this.oldSlug = slug; OMAPI._usedSlugs[slug] = true; this.elements.$holder.html(`<div id="om-${slug}-holder"></div>`); let campaign = this.getCampaign(); if (campaign) { return; } if (removed.length) { campaign = removed.find((c) => slug === c.id); if (campaign) { removed.splice(removed.indexOf(campaign), 1); return setTimeout(() => campaign.reset(), 200); } } if (campaign) { return; } const embed = { id: `om-${slug}-js`, type: 'text/javascript', src: OMAPI.apiUrl, async: true, 'data-user': OMAPI.omUserId, 'data-campaign': slug, }; if (OMAPI.omEnv) { embed['data-env'] = OMAPI.omEnv; } // Attempt to append it to the <head>, otherwise append to the document. const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement; const newScript = document.createElement('script'); let att; for (att in embed) { newScript.setAttribute(att, embed[att]); } head.appendChild(newScript); } updateSelect() { this.updateSelectOptions(this.elements.$select); } updateSelectOptions($select) { const slug = this.campaignSlug(); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); $select.find('option').remove(); getOptions('inline', slug).forEach((o) => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.textContent = o.label; option.value = o.value; if (o.selected) { option.selected = true; } if (o.disabled) { option.disabled = true; } fragment.appendChild(option); }); $select.append(fragment); } /** * Get the campaign slug from element settings. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @returns {string} Campaign slug. */ campaignSlug() { const slug = this.getElementSettings('campaign_id'); // Sanitize to numbers/letters only. return slug.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); } /** * Get the global campaign object from OM API. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @returns {Object|null} The global campaign object or null. */ getCampaign() { return getCampaign(this.campaignSlug()); } /** * Called from parent classs. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param {string} changed The thing that changed. * * @returns {void} */ onEditSettingsChange(changed) { if ('panel' === changed) { this.maybeTogglePanelSettings(); } } maybeTogglePanelSettings() { setTimeout(() => { const page = elementor.getPanelView().getCurrentPageView(); const slug = this.campaignSlug(); if (page.getControlViewByName) { ['edit_campaign', 'followrules', 'campaign_id'].forEach((k) => { const model = page.getControlModel(k); if (!model) { return; } const view = page.getControlViewByModel(model); if (!view) { return; } if ('campaign_id' === k) { const $select = view.$el.find('[data-setting="campaign_id"]'); if ($select.length) { this.updateSelectOptions($select); } } else { // Toggle these controls from view. view.$el[slug ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } if (slug && 'edit_campaign' === k) { const $link = view.$el.find('a'); if ($link.length) { $link.attr('href', OMAPI.editUrl.replace(/--CAMPAIGN_SLUG--/g, slug)); } } }); } }, 10); } } export default CampaignSelector;