Current Path : /home/ncom/www/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/ |
Current File : //home/ncom/www/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/class_fma_admin_menus.php |
<?php /* @package: File Manager Advanced @Class: fma_admin_menus */ if(class_exists('class_fma_admin_menus')) { return; } class class_fma_admin_menus { var $langs; /** * AFM - Languages */ public function __construct() { include('class_fma_lang.php'); $this->langs = new class_fma_adv_lang(); } /** * Loading Menus */ public function load_menus() { $fmaPer = $this->fmaPer(); /** Authorizing only super admin to manage settings */ $subPer = 'manage_options'; if ( is_multisite() && !is_network_admin() ) { $subPer = 'manage_network'; $fmaPer = $this->networkPer(); } add_menu_page( __( 'File Manager', 'file-manager-advanced' ), __( 'File Manager', 'file-manager-advanced' ), $fmaPer, 'file_manager_advanced_ui', array($this, 'file_manager_advanced_ui'), plugins_url( 'assets/icon/fma.png', __FILE__ ), 4 ); add_submenu_page( 'file_manager_advanced_ui', 'Settings', 'Settings', $subPer, 'file_manager_advanced_controls', array(&$this, 'file_manager_advanced_controls')); if(!class_exists('file_manager_advanced_shortcode')) { add_submenu_page( 'file_manager_advanced_ui', 'Shortcodes', 'Shortcodes', $subPer, 'file_manager_advanced_shortcodes', array(&$this, 'file_manager_advanced_shortcodes')); } } /** * Fma permissions */ public function fmaPer() { $settings = $this->get(); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $allowed_fma_user_roles = isset($settings['fma_user_roles']) ? $settings['fma_user_roles'] : array('administrator'); if(!in_array('administrator', $allowed_fma_user_roles)) { $fma_user_roles = array_merge(array('administrator'), $allowed_fma_user_roles); } else { $fma_user_roles = $allowed_fma_user_roles; } $checkUserRoleExistance = array_intersect($fma_user_roles, $user->roles); if(count($checkUserRoleExistance) > 0 && !in_array('administrator', $checkUserRoleExistance)) { $fmaPer = 'read'; } else { $fmaPer = 'manage_options'; } return $fmaPer; } /** * Fma - Network Permissions */ public function networkPer() { $settings = $this->get(); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $allowed_fma_user_roles = isset($settings['fma_user_roles']) ? $settings['fma_user_roles'] : array(); $fma_user_roles = $allowed_fma_user_roles; $checkUserRoleExistance = array_intersect($fma_user_roles, $user->roles); if(count($checkUserRoleExistance) > 0 ) { if(!in_array('administrator', $checkUserRoleExistance)) { $fmaPer = 'read'; } else { $fmaPer = 'manage_options'; } } else { $fmaPer = 'manage_network'; } return $fmaPer; } /** * Diaplying AFM */ public function file_manager_advanced_ui() { $fmaPer = $this->fmaPer(); if(current_user_can($fmaPer)) { include('pages/main.php'); } } /** * Settings */ public function file_manager_advanced_controls(){ if(current_user_can('manage_options')) { include('pages/controls.php'); } } /** * Shortcode */ public function file_manager_advanced_shortcodes(){ if(current_user_can('manage_options')) { include('pages/buy_shortcode.php'); } } /** * Saving Options */ public function save() { if(isset($_POST['submit']) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_fmaform'], 'fmaform' )) { _e('Saving options, Please wait...','file-manager-advanced'); $save = array(); $defaultRole = array('administrator'); if(is_multisite()) { $defaultRole = array(); } $public_dir = isset($_POST['public_path']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['public_path']) : ''; $save['fma_user_roles'] = isset($_POST['fma_user_role']) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field',$_POST['fma_user_role']) : $defaultRole; $save['fma_theme'] = isset($_POST['fma_theme']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fma_theme']) : 'light'; $save['fma_locale'] = isset($_POST['fma_locale']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fma_locale']) : 'en'; /* Directory Traversal fix @220723 */ $save['public_path'] = $this->afm_sanitize_directory($public_dir); $save['public_url'] = isset($_POST['public_url']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['public_url']) : ''; //25122022 $save['upload_max_size'] = isset($_POST['upload_max_size']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['upload_max_size']) : '0'; $save['display_ui_options'] = isset($_POST['display_ui_options']) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field',$_POST['display_ui_options']) : array(); $save['hide_path'] = isset($_POST['hide_path']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['hide_path']) : 0; $save['enable_trash'] = isset($_POST['enable_trash']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['enable_trash']) : 0; $save['enable_htaccess'] = isset($_POST['enable_htaccess']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['enable_htaccess']) : 0; $save['fma_upload_allow'] = isset($_POST['fma_upload_allow']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fma_upload_allow']) : 'all'; $save['fma_cm_theme'] = isset($_POST['fma_cm_theme']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['fma_cm_theme']) : 'default'; $u = update_option('fmaoptions',$save); if($u) { $this->f('?page=file_manager_advanced_controls&status=1'); } else { $this->f('?page=file_manager_advanced_controls&status=2'); } } } /** * Sanitize directory path */ public function afm_sanitize_directory($path = '') { if(!empty($path)) { $path = str_replace('..', '', htmlentities(trim($path))); } return $path; } /** * Getting Options */ public function get() { return get_option('fmaoptions'); } /** * Diplay Notices */ public function notice($type, $message) { if(isset($type) && !empty($type)) { $class = ($type == '1') ? 'updated' : 'error'; return '<div class="'.$class.' notice"> <p>'.$message.'</p> </div>'; } } /** * Redirection */ public function f($u) { $url = esc_url_raw($u); wp_register_script( 'fma-redirect-script', ''); wp_enqueue_script( 'fma-redirect-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'fma-redirect-script', ' window.location.href="'.$url.'" ;' ); } public static function shortcodeUpdateNotice() { if(class_exists('file_manager_advanced_shortcode')): if(defined('fmas_ver')){ if(fmas_ver < '2.4.1') { return '<div class="error notice" style="background: #f7dfdf"> <p><strong>Advanced File manager shortcode addon update:</strong> You are using version <strong>'.fmas_ver.'</strong> we recommend you to update to latest version. If you did not receive update please download from <a href="https://advancedfilemanager.com/my-account/" target="_blank">my account</a> page.</p> </div>'; } } else { return '<div class="error notice" style="background: #f7dfdf"> <p><strong>Advanced File manager shortcode addon update:</strong> You are using old version, we recommend you to update to latest version. If you did not receive update please download from <a href="https://advancedfilemanager.com/my-account/" target="_blank">my account</a> page.</p> </div>'; } endif; } /** * Get User Roles */ public function wpUserRoles() { global $wp_roles; return $wp_roles->roles; } }