Your IP :
* Class for Background processing of Media Library images.
* @link https://ewww.io
* @package EWWW_Image_Optimizer
namespace EWWW;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Processes media uploads in background/async mode.
* Uses a db queue system to track uploads to be optimized, handling them one at a time.
* @see EWWW\Background_Process
class Background_Process_Media extends Background_Process {
* The action name used to trigger this class extension.
* @access protected
* @var string $action
protected $action = 'ewwwio_media_optimize';
* The queue name for this class extension.
* @access protected
* @var string $action
protected $active_queue = 'media-async';
* Batch size limit.
* @var int
* @access protected
protected $limit = 500;
* Handle
* @global string|array $optimized_list A list of all images that have been optimized, or a string
* indicating why that is not a good idea.
* Wrapper around parent::handle() to verify that background processing isn't paused.
protected function handle() {
if ( \get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_pause_queues' ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'all queues paused' );
global $optimized_list;
if ( empty( $optimized_list ) && $this->count_queue() > 100 ) {
} else {
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'less than 100 attachments, not running _optimized_list()' );
$optimized_list = 'small_scan';
* Runs task for an item from the Media Library queue.
* Makes sure an image upload has finished processing and has been stored in the database.
* Then runs the usual media optimization routine on the specified item.
* @access protected
* @param array $item The id of the attachment, how many attempts have been made to process
* the item, the type of attachment, and whether it is a new upload.
* @return bool|array If the item is not complete, return it. False indicates completion.
protected function task( $item ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
ewwwio()->defer = false;
$max_attempts = 15;
$attachment_id = $item['attachment_id'];
if ( empty( $item['attempts'] ) && ! empty( $item['new'] ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'first attempt on new upload, going to sleep for a second' );
$item['attempts'] = 0;
sleep( 1 ); // On the first attempt, hold off and wait for the db to catch up.
$type = get_post_mime_type( $attachment_id );
if ( empty( $type ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( "mime is missing, requeueing {$item['attempts']}" );
sleep( 4 );
return $item;
ewwwio_debug_message( "background processing $attachment_id, type: " . $type );
$supported_types = ewwwio()->get_supported_types();
if ( in_array( $type, $supported_types, true ) && $item['new'] && class_exists( 'wpCloud\StatelessMedia\EWWW' ) ) {
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );
} else {
// This is unfiltered for performance, because we don't often need filtered meta.
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, true );
if ( in_array( $type, $supported_types, true ) && empty( $meta ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( "metadata is missing, requeueing {$item['attempts']}" );
sleep( 4 );
return $item;
$this->process_attachment( $meta, $item, $attachment_id );
return false;
* Check if an individual size from a media attachment should be (re)optimized.
* @param string $file_path The filesystem path for the image.
* @param string $size The thumb size (name).
* @param array $item The async data for this attachment.
* @param array $already_optimized The previous image results (if any) for this attachment.
* @return bool True if the image should be optimized, false otherwise.
protected function should_optimize_size( $file_path, $size, $item, $already_optimized ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( \apply_filters( 'ewww_image_optimizer_bypass', false, $file_path ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "skipping $file_path as instructed" );
return false;
if ( ! \is_file( $file_path ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "file does not exist: $file_path" );
return false;
$image_size = filesize( $file_path );
if ( ! $image_size ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "file skipped due to no size: $file_path" );
return false;
if ( $image_size < \ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_skip_size' ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "file skipped due to filesize: $file_path" );
return false;
$mime = ewww_image_optimizer_quick_mimetype( $file_path );
if ( 'image/png' === $mime && \ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_skip_png_size' ) && $image_size > \ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_skip_png_size' ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "file skipped due to PNG filesize: $file_path" );
return false;
if ( 'image/bmp' === $mime && ! ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_bmp_convert' ) && empty( $item['convert_once'] ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( "BMP skipped, no conversion enabled: $file_path" );
return false;
$compression_level = \ewww_image_optimizer_get_level( $mime );
$smart_reopt = false;
if ( ! empty( $item['force_smart'] ) && ! \ewww_image_optimizer_level_mismatch( $already_optimized['level'], $compression_level ) ) {
$item['force_smart'] = false;
if ( 'full' === $size && \ewww_image_optimizer_should_resize( $file_path, true ) ) {
$item['force_smart'] = true;
if ( ! empty( $already_optimized['id'] ) && (int) $image_size === (int) $already_optimized['image_size'] ) {
if ( empty( $item['force_reopt'] ) && empty( $item['force_smart'] ) && empty( $item['webp_only'] ) && empty( $item['new'] ) && empty( $item['convert_once'] ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Queue an individual size for a media attachment.
* @global object $wpdb
* @global string|array $optimized_list A list of all images that have been optimized, or a string
* indicating why that is not a good idea.
* @param int $id The attachment ID number.
* @param string $size The thumb size (name).
* @param string $file_path The filesystem path for the image.
* @param array $item The async data for this attachment.
* @return int 1 if the image was queued, 0 if not.
protected function queue_single_size( $id, $size, $file_path, $item ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
global $wpdb;
global $optimized_list;
if ( is_array( $optimized_list ) && isset( $optimized_list[ $file_path ] ) ) {
$already_optimized = $optimized_list[ $file_path ];
} else {
$already_optimized = \ewww_image_optimizer_find_already_optimized( $file_path );
$image_size = \ewww_image_optimizer_filesize( $file_path );
\ewwwio_debug_message( "(maybe) queuing optimization for $id/$size" );
if ( ! $this->should_optimize_size( $file_path, $size, $item, $already_optimized ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'already optimized, not forcing or webp-only, so skipping' );
return 0;
} elseif ( ! empty( $already_optimized['id'] ) ) {
'pending' => 1,
'attachment_id' => $id,
'gallery' => 'media',
'resize' => $size,
'updated' => $already_optimized['updated'],
'id' => $already_optimized['id'],
$id_to_queue = $already_optimized['id'];
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'toggled db record' );
} else {
'path' => \ewww_image_optimizer_relativize_path( $file_path ),
'converted' => '',
'gallery' => 'media',
'orig_size' => $image_size,
'attachment_id' => $id,
'resize' => $size,
'pending' => 1,
$id_to_queue = $wpdb->insert_id;
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'inserted db record' );
if ( ! $id_to_queue ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'failed to update/insert record, no ID to queue' );
return 0;
'id' => $id_to_queue,
'new' => $item['new'],
'convert_once' => $item['convert_once'],
'force_reopt' => $item['force_reopt'],
'force_smart' => $item['force_smart'],
'webp_only' => $item['webp_only'],
return 1;
* Find image paths from an attachment's meta data and process each image.
* Called after `wp_generate_attachment_metadata` is completed (async), it also searches for retina images,
* and a few custom theme resizes.
* @global array $ewww_attachment {
* Stores the ID and meta for later use with W3TC.
* @type int $id The attachment ID number.
* @type array $meta The attachment metadata from the postmeta table.
* }
* @param array $meta The attachment metadata generated by WordPress.
* @param array $item The async data for this attachment.
* @param int $id The attachment ID number.
protected function process_attachment( $meta, $item, $id ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( ! is_array( $meta ) && empty( $meta ) ) {
$meta = array();
} elseif ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'attachment meta is not a usable array' );
$gallery = 'media';
$size = 'full';
$queued = 0;
ewwwio_debug_message( "attachment id: $id" );
if ( $item['new'] ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'this is a newly uploaded image from the async queue' );
$new_image = true;
} else {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'this image is not a new upload' );
$new_image = false;
list( $file_path, $upload_path ) = ewww_image_optimizer_attachment_path( $meta, $id );
* Allow altering the metadata or performing other actions before the plugin processes an attachement.
* @param array $meta The attachment metadata.
* @param string $file_path The file path to the image.
* @param bool $new_image True if this is a newly uploaded image, false otherwise.
$meta = apply_filters( 'ewww_image_optimizer_resize_from_meta_data', $meta, $file_path, $new_image );
if ( ! $new_image && class_exists( 'Amazon_S3_And_CloudFront' ) && ewww_image_optimizer_stream_wrapped( $file_path ) ) {
ewww_image_optimizer_check_table_as3cf( $meta, $id, $file_path );
if ( ! ewwwio_is_file( $file_path ) && class_exists( 'wpCloud\StatelessMedia\EWWW' ) && ! empty( $meta['gs_link'] ) ) {
$file_path = ewww_image_optimizer_remote_fetch( $id, $meta );
// If the local file is missing and we have valid metadata, see if we can fetch via CDN.
if ( ! ewwwio_is_file( $file_path ) || ewww_image_optimizer_stream_wrapped( $file_path ) ) {
$file_path = ewww_image_optimizer_remote_fetch( $id, $meta );
if ( ! $file_path ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'could not retrieve path' );
ewwwio_debug_message( "retrieved file path: $file_path" );
$supported_types = ewwwio()->get_supported_types();
$type = ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype( $file_path, 'i' );
if ( ! in_array( $type, $supported_types, true ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( "mimetype not supported: $id" );
// Queue the full-size image.
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, $size, $file_path, $item );
// Then disable the conversion flag for all sub-sizes and derivatives.
$item['convert_once'] = false;
$hidpi_path = ewww_image_optimizer_get_hidpi_path( $file_path, true );
$size .= '-retina';
if ( $hidpi_path ) {
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, $size, $hidpi_path, $item );
$base_dir = trailingslashit( dirname( $file_path ) );
// Resized versions, so we can continue.
if ( isset( $meta['sizes'] ) && ewww_image_optimizer_iterable( $meta['sizes'] ) ) {
$disabled_sizes = ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_disable_resizes_opt', false, true );
ewwwio_debug_message( 'processing resizes' );
// Process each resized version.
$processed = array();
foreach ( $meta['sizes'] as $size => $data ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( "processing size: $size" );
if ( strpos( $size, 'webp' ) === 0 ) {
if ( ! empty( $disabled_sizes[ $size ] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $disabled_sizes['pdf-full'] ) && 'full' === $size ) {
if ( empty( $data['file'] ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( "maybe optimizing {$data['file']}" );
// Check through all the sizes we've processed so far.
foreach ( $processed as $proc => $scan ) {
// If a previous resize had identical dimensions.
if ( $scan['height'] === $data['height'] && $scan['width'] === $data['width'] ) {
// We found a duplicate resize, so...
// Point this resize at the same image as the previous one.
$meta['sizes'][ $size ]['file'] = $meta['sizes'][ $proc ]['file'];
if ( isset( $meta['sizes'][ $proc ]['mime-type'] ) ) {
$meta['sizes'][ $size ]['mime-type'] = $meta['sizes'][ $proc ]['mime-type'];
continue( 2 );
// If this is a unique size.
$resize_path = str_replace( wp_basename( $file_path ), $data['file'], $file_path );
if ( empty( $resize_path ) ) {
ewwwio_debug_message( 'strange... $resize_path was empty' );
if ( 'application/pdf' === $type && 'full' === $size ) {
$size = 'pdf-full';
// Because some SVG plugins populate the resizes with the original path (since SVG is "scalable", of course).
// Though it could happen for other types perhaps...
if ( $resize_path === $file_path ) {
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, $size, $resize_path, $item );
// Optimize retina images, if they exist.
if ( function_exists( 'wr2x_get_retina' ) ) {
$retina_path = wr2x_get_retina( $resize_path );
} else {
$retina_path = false;
if ( $retina_path && ewwwio_is_file( $retina_path ) ) {
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, $size . '-retina', $retina_path, $item );
} else {
$hidpi_path = ewww_image_optimizer_get_hidpi_path( $resize_path, true );
if ( $hidpi_path ) {
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, $size . '-retina', $hidpi_path, $item );
// Store info on the sizes we've processed, so we can check the list for duplicate sizes.
$processed[ $size ]['width'] = $data['width'];
$processed[ $size ]['height'] = $data['height'];
} // End foreach().
} // End if().
// Original image detected.
if ( isset( $meta['original_image'] ) && ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_include_originals' ) ) {
// Meta sizes don't contain a path, so we calculate one.
$resize_path = trailingslashit( dirname( $file_path ) ) . $meta['original_image'];
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, 'original_image', $resize_path, $item );
} // End if().
// Process size from a custom theme.
if ( isset( $meta['image_meta']['resized_images'] ) && ewww_image_optimizer_iterable( $meta['image_meta']['resized_images'] ) ) {
$imagemeta_resize_pathinfo = pathinfo( $file_path );
$imagemeta_resize_path = '';
foreach ( $meta['image_meta']['resized_images'] as $imagemeta_resize ) {
$imagemeta_resize_path = $imagemeta_resize_pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $imagemeta_resize_pathinfo['filename'] . '-' . $imagemeta_resize . '.' . $imagemeta_resize_pathinfo['extension'];
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, '', $imagemeta_resize_path, $item );
// And another custom theme.
if ( isset( $meta['custom_sizes'] ) && ewww_image_optimizer_iterable( $meta['custom_sizes'] ) ) {
$custom_sizes_pathinfo = pathinfo( $file_path );
$custom_size_path = '';
foreach ( $meta['custom_sizes'] as $custom_size ) {
$custom_size_path = $custom_sizes_pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $custom_size['file'];
$queued += $this->queue_single_size( $id, '', $custom_size_path, $item );
if ( $queued && ! ewwwio()->background_image->is_process_running() && ! \get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_pause_image_queue' ) ) {
* Runs failure routine for an item from the Media Library queue.
* @access protected
* @param array $item The id of the attachment, how many attempts have been made to process
* the item and whether it is a new upload.
protected function failure( $item ) {
if ( empty( $item['attachment_id'] ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
$file_path = false;
$meta = \wp_get_attachment_metadata( $item['attachment_id'] );
if ( ! empty( $meta ) ) {
list( $file_path, $upload_path ) = \ewww_image_optimizer_attachment_path( $meta, $item['attachment_id'] );
if ( $file_path ) {
\ewww_image_optimizer_add_file_exclusion( $file_path );
* Complete.
protected function complete() {
\ewwwio_debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( 'scanning' === \get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_bulk_resume' ) ) {
if ( ! \ewww_image_optimizer_get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_auto' ) && ! get_option( 'ewwwio_stop_scheduled_scan' ) ) {
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'starting async scan' );
\update_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_aux_resume', 'scanning' );
'ewww_scan' => 'scheduled',
\ewwwio_debug_message( 'finished media queue' );
\update_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_bulk_resume', '' );