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{"translation-revision-date":"2024-07-28 13:01:02+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"tr"},"Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text for all paragraphs":["T\u00fcm paragraflar i\u00e7in lorem ipsum yer tutucu metni olu\u015fturun"],"Quote section with colored background, featuring a centered quote":["Renkli arka plana sahip, ortalanm\u0131\u015f bir al\u0131nt\u0131 i\u00e7eren al\u0131nt\u0131 b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Testimonial section with testimonials, each featuring a star rating and an image":["Her biri bir y\u0131ld\u0131z derecelendirmesi ve bir resim i\u00e7eren referanslar\u0131n bulundu\u011fu referans b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Client section featuring companies' logos":["\u015eirket logolar\u0131n\u0131n yer ald\u0131\u011f\u0131 m\u00fc\u015fteri b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Team section with four image boxes showcasing team members":["Ekip \u00fcyelerini g\u00f6steren d\u00f6rt g\u00f6rsel kutusu i\u00e7eren ekip b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Shift the focus of the content to [topic] in order to showcase our company's mission and values":["\u015eirketimizin misyon ve de\u011ferlerini sergilemek i\u00e7in i\u00e7eri\u011fin oda\u011f\u0131n\u0131 [topic] konusuna kayd\u0131r\u0131n"],"Alter the content to provide helpful tips related to [topic]":["\u0130\u00e7eri\u011fi [topic] konusu ile ilgili yararl\u0131 ipu\u00e7lar\u0131 sa\u011flayacak \u015fekilde de\u011fi\u015ftirin"],"Adjust the content to include FAQs and answers for common inquiries about [topic]":["\u0130\u00e7eri\u011fi [topic] konusu hakk\u0131nda s\u0131k sorulan sorulara y\u00f6nelik SSS ve yan\u0131tlar\u0131 i\u00e7erecek \u015fekilde d\u00fczenleyin"],"Revise the content to focus on [topic] and then translate it into Spanish":["\u0130\u00e7eri\u011fi [topic] konusu \u00fczerine odaklanacak \u015fekilde revize edin ve ard\u0131ndan \u0130spanyolca'ya \u00e7evirin"],"Change the content to be about [topic]":["\u0130\u00e7eri\u011fi [topic] konusu hakk\u0131nda olacak \u015fekilde de\u011fi\u015ftirin"],"Subscribe section featuring a simple email form, inviting users to stay informed on [topic]":["Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar\u0131 [topic] konusu hakk\u0131nda bilgi sahibi olmaya davet eden basit bir e-posta formu i\u00e7eren abone ol b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Pricing section for [topic] with a pricing list":["Fiyatland\u0131rma listesi ile [topic] konusu i\u00e7in fiyatland\u0131rma b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Stats section with counters displaying data about [topic]":["[topic] hakk\u0131ndaki verileri g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fcleyen saya\u00e7lar\u0131n bulundu\u011fu istatistikler b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Service section about [topic], showcasing four services with buttons":["[topic] hakk\u0131nda hizmet b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc, butonlarla d\u00f6rt hizmetin g\u00f6sterilmesi"],"Contact section with a form for [topic]":["[topic] i\u00e7in bir form i\u00e7eren ileti\u015fim b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Gallery section with a carousel displaying three images at once":["Ayn\u0131 anda \u00fc\u00e7 g\u00f6rsel g\u00f6steren bir carousel i\u00e7eren galeri b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"FAQ section with a toggle widget showcasing FAQs about [topic]":["[topic] hakk\u0131ndaki S\u0131k\u00e7a Sorulan Sorular\u0131 sergileyen bir ge\u00e7i\u015f widget'\u0131 i\u00e7eren SSS b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"About Us section on [topic] with heading, text, and big image below":["Ba\u015fl\u0131k, metin ve alt\u0131nda b\u00fcy\u00fck g\u00f6rsel bulunan [topic] ile ilgili Hakk\u0131m\u0131zda b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Hero section on [topic] with heading, text, buttons on the right, and an image on the left":["Ba\u015fl\u0131k, metin, sa\u011fda butonlar ve solda bir g\u00f6rsel i\u00e7eren [topic] \u00fczerine kahraman b\u00f6l\u00fcm\u00fc"],"Get spot-on suggestions from AI Copilot and AI Context with appropriate designs, layouts, and content for your business.":["AI Copilot ve AI Context'ten i\u015fletmeniz i\u00e7in uygun tasar\u0131mlar, d\u00fczenler ve i\u00e7eriklerle nokta at\u0131\u015f\u0131 \u00f6neriler al\u0131n."],"The file is too large.":["Dosya \u00e7ok b\u00fcy\u00fck."],"Please upload a file that is less than 4MB.":["L\u00fctfen 4MB'tan daha k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck bir dosya y\u00fckleyin."],"Get improved results from AI by adding personal context.":["Ki\u015fisel ba\u011flam ekleyerek yapay zeka uygulamas\u0131ndan daha iyi sonu\u00e7lar elde edin."],"Looks like you're out of credits.":["G\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fc\u015fe g\u00f6re krediniz bitmi\u015f."],"Try exiting Elementor and sign in again.":["Elementor'dan \u00e7\u0131k\u0131p tekrar giri\u015f yapmay\u0131 deneyin."],"Wait a moment and give it another go.":["Biraz bekleyin ve tekrar deneyin"],"Try again":["Tekrar deneyin"],"Wait a moment and give it another go, or try tweaking the prompt.":["Biraz bekleyin ve tekrar deneyin, ya da komutu biraz de\u011fi\u015ftirmeyi deneyin."],"Ready to take it to the next level?":["Bir sonraki seviyeye ge\u00e7meye haz\u0131r m\u0131s\u0131n\u0131z?"],"There was a glitch.":["Bir aksakl\u0131k oldu."],"Upgrade now to keep using this feature. You still have credits for other AI features (Text, Code, Images, Containers, etc.)":["Bu \u00f6zelli\u011fi kullanmaya devam etmek i\u00e7in \u015fimdi y\u00fckseltin. Di\u011fer AI \u00f6zellikleri (Metin, Kod, G\u00f6rsel, Kapsay\u0131c\u0131lar vb.) i\u00e7in hala krediniz var."],"You've used all AI credits for %s.":["T\u00fcm AI kredilerini %s \u00f6zelli\u011fi i\u00e7in kulland\u0131n\u0131z."],"For more suggestions, explore our":["Daha fazla \u00f6neri i\u00e7in, ke\u015ffet"],"Create variations from Template Library":["\u015eablon Kitapl\u0131\u011f\u0131ndan varyasyonlar olu\u015fturma"],"AI Variation from library":["K\u00fct\u00fcphaneden AI Varyasyonu"],"prompt library":["prompt library"],"This result includes an Elementor Pro widget that's not available with your current plan. Upgrade to use all the widgets in this result.":["Bu sonu\u00e7, mevcut plan\u0131n\u0131zda bulunmayan bir Elementor Pro widget'\u0131 i\u00e7erir. Bu sonu\u00e7taki t\u00fcm widget'lar\u0131 kullanmak i\u00e7in y\u00fckseltme yap\u0131n."],"Press '\/' for suggestions or describe the changes you want to apply (optional)...":["\u00d6neriler i\u00e7in '\/' tu\u015funa bas\u0131n veya uygulamak istedi\u011finiz de\u011fi\u015fiklikleri a\u00e7\u0131klay\u0131n (iste\u011fe ba\u011fl\u0131)..."],"You\u2019ve got the power.":["G\u00fc\u00e7 sende."],"Reference a website":["Bir web sitesine referans verin"],"Suggested Prompts":["\u00d6nerilen \u0130pu\u00e7lar\u0131"],"Warm hues with comforting visuals about":["S\u0131cak tonlar ve rahatlat\u0131c\u0131 g\u00f6rseller"],"Tech-inspired style with modern fonts about":["Modern yaz\u0131 tipleri ile teknolojiden ilham alan stil hakk\u0131nda"],"Luxurious theme with rich colors discussing":["Zengin renklerin tart\u0131\u015f\u0131ld\u0131\u011f\u0131 l\u00fcks tema"],"Earthy tones and organic shapes featuring":["Toprak tonlar\u0131 ve organik \u015fekiller i\u00e7eren"],"Professional look with clean lines for":["Temiz hatlara sahip profesyonel g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcm"],"Futuristic design with neon accents about":["Neon vurgulara sahip f\u00fct\u00fcristik tasar\u0131m"],"Retro vibe with muted colors and classic fonts about":["Sessiz renkler ve klasik yaz\u0131 tipleri ile retro havas\u0131"],"Elegant style with serif fonts discussing":["Serif yaz\u0131 tipleri ile zarif stil tart\u0131\u015fmas\u0131"],"Minimalist design with bold typography about":["Hakk\u0131nda cesur tipografi ile minimalist tasar\u0131m"],"Generate variations with AI":["AI ile varyasyonlar olu\u015fturun"],"Craft your prompt to affect content, images and\/or colors - whichever you decide.":["\u0130ste\u011finizi, i\u00e7eri\u011fi, g\u00f6rselleri ve\/veya renkleri etkileyecek \u015fekilde olu\u015fturun - hangisine karar verirseniz verin."],"AI Variation":["AI Varyasyonu"],"Access 30-days of AI History with the AI Starter plan and 90-days with the Power plan.":["AI Ba\u015flang\u0131\u00e7 plan\u0131 ile 30 g\u00fcnl\u00fck ve G\u00fc\u00e7 plan\u0131 ile 90 g\u00fcnl\u00fck AI Ge\u00e7mi\u015fine eri\u015fin."],"Your progress will be deleted, and can't be recovered.":["\u0130lerlemeniz silinecek ve geri getirilemeyecektir."],"Regenerate":["Yeniden olu\u015ftur"],"Preview unavailable":["\u00d6nizleme kullan\u0131lam\u0131yor"],"Press '\/' for suggested prompts or describe the layout you want to create":["\u00d6nerilen istemler i\u00e7in '\/' tu\u015funa bas\u0131n veya olu\u015fturmak istedi\u011finiz d\u00fczeni tan\u0131mlay\u0131n"],"Edit prompt":["\u0130stemi d\u00fczenle"],"Back to results":["Sonu\u00e7lara d\u00f6n"],"Minimize":["K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fclt"],"Use Layout":["Yerle\u015fim D\u00fczeni"],"AI Layout":["AI Yerle\u015fimi"],"Upgrade now":["Hemen y\u00fckselt"],"Build with AI":["AI ile olu\u015ftur"],"Effortlessly create or enhance stunning images and bring your ideas to life.":["Zahmetsizce \u00e7arp\u0131c\u0131 g\u00f6rseller olu\u015fturun veya geli\u015ftirin ve fikirlerinizi hayata ge\u00e7irin."],"Expand":["Geni\u015flet"],"Reconnect":["Yeniden Ba\u011fla"],"Seems like the prompt contains words that could generate harmful content. Write a different prompt to continue.":["G\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fc\u015fe g\u00f6re istem zararl\u0131 i\u00e7erik \u00fcretecek kelimeler i\u00e7eriyor. Devam etmek i\u00e7in farkl\u0131 bir istem yaz\u0131n."],"We were unable to generate that prompt.":["Bu istemi ger\u00e7ekle\u015ftiremedik."],"Generate":["Olu\u015ftur"],"Yes, leave":["Evet, ayr\u0131l"],"Upgrade Elementor AI":["Elementor AI'y\u0131 Y\u00fckselt"],"Enhance prompt":["\u0130stemi iyile\u015ftir"],"Leave Elementor AI?":["Elementor AI'dan Ayr\u0131l?"],"It's time to upgrade.":["Y\u00fckseltme zaman\u0131."],"You aren't connected to Elementor AI.":["Elementor AI'ya ba\u011fl\u0131 de\u011filsiniz."],"This includes consenting to the collection and use of data to improve user experience.":["Bu, kullan\u0131c\u0131 deneyimini iyile\u015ftirmek i\u00e7in verilerin toplanmas\u0131na ve kullan\u0131lmas\u0131na izin vermeyi de i\u00e7erir."]," of the Elementor AI service.":[" Elementor AI hizmetinin."],"Create smarter with AI text and code generators built right into the editor.":["Do\u011frudan d\u00fczenleyicide yerle\u015fik olarak bulunan yapay zeka metin ve kod olu\u015fturucular\u0131 ile daha ak\u0131ll\u0131ca olu\u015fturun."],"Step into the future with Elementor AI":["Elementor AI ile gelece\u011fe ad\u0131m at\u0131n"],"Unlimited access to Elementor AI":["Elementor AI'ya s\u0131n\u0131rs\u0131z eri\u015fim"],"Unleash infinite possibilities with the custom code generator.":["\u00d6zel kod olu\u015fturucu ile sonsuz olas\u0131l\u0131klar\u0131 ortaya \u00e7\u0131kar\u0131n."],"Generate professional texts about any topic, in any tone.":["Herhangi bir konu hakk\u0131nda, herhangi bir tonda profesyonel metinler olu\u015fturun."],"AI":["AI"],"I approve the ":["Onayl\u0131yorum "],"By clicking \"Connect\", I approve the ":["\"Ba\u011flan\" se\u00e7ene\u011fine t\u0131klayarak, Onayl\u0131yorum "],"We can\u2019t process that many requests so fast. Try again in 15 minutes.":["Bu kadar \u00e7ok iste\u011fi bu kadar h\u0131zl\u0131 i\u015fleme koyamay\u0131z. 15 dakika sonra tekrar deneyin."],"Whoa! Slow down there.":["Hey! Yava\u015fla biraz."],"Enjoy the free trial? Upgrade now for unlimited access to built-in image, text and custom code generators.":["\u00dccretsiz denemenin tad\u0131n\u0131 \u00e7\u0131kar\u0131yor musunuz? Yerle\u015fik g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fc, metin ve \u00f6zel kod olu\u015fturuculara s\u0131n\u0131rs\u0131z eri\u015fim i\u00e7in \u015fimdi y\u00fckseltin."],"Elementor AI is just a few clicks away. Connect your account to instantly create texts and custom code.":["Elementor AI yaln\u0131zca birka\u00e7 t\u0131k uzakta. An\u0131nda metinler ve \u00f6zel kod olu\u015fturmak i\u00e7in hesab\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 ba\u011flay\u0131n."],"Upgrade":["Y\u00fckselt"],"Get Elementor AI":["Elementor AI'yi edinin"],"Let\u2019s do it":["Haydi yapal\u0131m"],"Show me how":["Nas\u0131l yap\u0131laca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 g\u00f6ster"],"Try Again":["Tekrar Deneyin"],"Privacy Policy":["Gizlilik Politikas\u0131"],"Terms of Service":["Hizmet Ko\u015fullar\u0131"],"Loading...":["Y\u00fckleniyor..."],"Beta":["Beta"],"Get Started":["Ba\u015flay\u0131n"],"Connect":["Ba\u011flan"],"Pro":["Pro"],"Remove":["Kald\u0131r"],"Go Pro":["Pro edinin"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Cancel":["\u0130ptal"],"Preview":["\u00d6n izleme"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/js\/ai-layout.js"}}